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吉他手和作曲家巴登鲍威尔是他的门徒。The guitarist and composer Baden Powell was his protege.

弗雷德里科斯夫妇将在这次比赛中和他们的徒弟同场竞技。The Fredericks will now be taking on their protege in the Games.

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提姆切科则13岁就加入哥伦比亚革命武装力量,曾是马鲁兰达先生的门生。Timochenko joined the FARC at 13 and was a protégé of Mr Marulanda.

“没人能驾驭马尔科姆,”路易斯·法拉汗是他的门生,最终成了敌人。“Nobody could handle Malcolm,” Louis Farrakhan, his protégé and eventual enemy, said.

“没人能驾驭马尔科姆,”路易斯·法拉汗是他的门生,最终成了敌人。“Nobody could handle Malcolm, ” Louis Farrakhan, his protégé and eventual enemy, said.

他发现了她的真实身份,开始把她作为自己的军事门徒培养。He uncovered her true identity, and began to school her as his personal military protege.

这番话令人猜想,普京先生或许期待他的被保护人尊重他们曾经达成的某些协议。This suggests that Mr Putin expects his protege to honour whatever agreement they have reached.

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梅德韦杰夫被视为俄罗斯前总统普京的亲信。Mr. Medvedev is seen as a protege of former president Vladimir Putin, who is now prime minister.

作为默多克的得意门生,布鲁克斯的地位迅速上升,成为英国最有权势的记者之一。As a protege of Rupert Murdoch's, Brooks quickly rose to be one of the U.K.'s most powerful journalists.

她觉得她的被保护人在公开场合讲有损她的话是忘恩负义。She felt that her protégé had bitten the hand that fed him by making unkind remarks about her in public.

元老们发挥这种影响的部分原因是因为中国权术中门生关系的特征。Part of the reason the elders wield such influence is because of the patron- protege nature of Chinese politics.

各方谴责受中国保护的朝鲜刚愎自用,而人权纪录不佳的中国有望试图缓和谴责声势。China, with its own poor human rights record, can be expected to try to tone down criticism of its wayward protege.

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在他旁边,刚好比他高几个台阶的地方,就是另外一个更大的克格勃的画像,那就是普京。Next to him, just up the stairs, is a portrait of another KGB protege who went on to bigger things, Vladimir Putin.

虽然杜库技高一筹,但他邀请文崔斯作为私人保镖和他一起返回邦联。Though Dooku won the sparring contest, he invited Ventress to accompany him back into the Confederacy as a personal protégé.

保罗和威廉姆斯将会作为老兵镇守后场,他们需要一到两个年轻球员让他们去言传身教,就像基德曾经为他们做的一样。With Paul and Williams the veterans of the team, they will need a young protégé or two to mentor just as Jason Kidd did for them.

布鲁克斯长期以来一直受到默多克的支持,她从新闻集团英国报纸业务的管理层中迅速地平步青云。Brooks is a longtime protege of Murdoch who had risen quickly through the tabloid ranks of News Corp.'s British newspaper operations.

对他来说,不吉利的是,以前培养他的军事盟友们今天一个也没有到场。尤里科-古特雷斯被抛弃了。Ominously for him, none of his military allies who'd once nurtured him as a protege were here either. Eurico Guterres had been deserted.

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常与姚明近距离共事的火箭队助理教练汤姆希伯德指出,他这个得意门生为了把球打好,永远乐意卖力加强球技。Rockets assistant coach Tom Thibodeau, who works closely with Yao, said his prize protege is always willing to do what's right to improve his game.

常与姚明近距离共事的火箭队助理教练汤姆•希伯德指出,他这个得意门生为了把球打好,永远乐意卖力加强球技。Rockets assistant coach Tom Thibodeau, who works closely with Yao, said his prize protégé is always willing to do what's right to improve his game.

人际信任会中介师徒相似性与师徒功能,因此证实了人际信任在师徒关系中的重要性。The interpersonal trust mediated similarity and functions between mentor & protégé , thus verified the importance of interpersonal trust in mentorship.