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我咳嗽有浓痰,而且觉得很虚弱。I coughed with sputum and feeling of malaise.

钙剂缺乏是引起这种疾病的主要原因。Calcium deficiency is the main cause of this malaise.

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现在市场萎靡正在向北方扩展。Now the market malaise appears to be spreading northward.

如果你感到你的不快并不仅仅来自于嫉恨会怎么办?What if you're suffering some malaise and it's not just envy?

他笔下的角色也不曾沾染上现代社会日常生活带给人们的焦躁情绪。His characters defied the malaise of daily life in the modern world.

经济学家认为,美国也许会避免出现类似日本的经济停滞期。Economists say that the U.S. may avoid a Japan-like period of malaise.

上腹部灼痛感,乏力。食欲不振。胸闷。流涎等。Epigastric burning sense of malaise. Anorexia. Chest tightness. Drooling.

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往往丧失是突然发生,在抑郁不乐中显现。Often the loss occurs suddenly and manifests itself in a general malaise.

我想我们或者面临较长期的疲软趋势,或者是处在下行通道内.I think we're in for a longer trend of either malaise or just a down channel.

这一弊端无法被忽视,瓦许克女人立刻斥责其艾紫培。This malaise does not go unnoticed, and the Vulshok immediately threatens her.

最初症状为发热、厌食、头痛、倦怠和昏睡。Initially, symptoms are fever, loss of appetite, headache, malaise and lethargy.

日本经济萎靡不振始于1990,但时至今日,日本经济依然未有起色。Japan's period of malaise began in 1990, and the country is still struggling today.

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她出现不适,发热,肌痛,继之全身出现非瘙痒性皮疹。She developed malaise fever and myalgia followed by a diffuse nonpruritic exanthem.

她出现不适,发热,肌痛,继之全身出现非瘙痒性皮疹。She developed malaise fever and myalgia followed by a diffuse nonpruritic exanthem.

现在,就如看起来一样奇怪,这些垄断恰巧也是微软的病根所在。Now, strange as it seems, those monopolies are at the root of the company ' s malaise.

更糟糕的是,与需求下降带来的短期影响相比订单减少带来的不良影响可能更严重。Worse, the malaise may go far deeper than the short-term effects of a slump in demand.

但更深层的原因则是中国的一场大饥荒和两国经济的乏力。But its deeper causes included a famine in China and economic malaise in both countries.

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由马尔堡病毒引起的疾病突然开始,伴有严重头痛和严重不舒服。Illness caused by Marburg virus begins abruptly, with severe headache and severe malaise.

对投资者来说,长期经济萎靡不振的幽灵意味着长期的投资低回报。For investors, the specter of a long period of malaise means a long period of low returns.

该病通常为渐进性发病,开始时出现发烧、全身虚弱和不适。The onset of the disease is usually gradual, starting with fever, general weakness, and malaise.