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那个湖方圆800里。The lake has a circumference of 800 li.

这棵树周长6英尺。The tree has a circumference of 6 feet.

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地球的圆周约为25,000英里。The earth's circumference is about 25,000 miles.

给定周长寻找直角三角形。finding right triangles with a certain circumference.

地球的圆周长约为两万五千英里。The circumference of the earth is almost 25,000 miles.

地球的周长为四万多公里。The earth's circumference is more than 40000 kilometres.

本机适用于底后跟周边粗磨加工。Be suitable for the heels circumference roughing process.

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筛孔是沿气液分离筛板的外圆周均布的。The sieve holes are distributed along an outer circumference.

晚饭后他们沿着湖的周围漫步。After dinner they walked around the circumference of the lake.

除血压外,腹围是左室肥厚的一个独立预测因子。Waist circumference is one of independent risk factors of LVH.

胎体包括内周和渐缩端部。The carcass includes an internal circumference and tapered ends.

叶轮是1个圆盘,圆周上的叶片呈放射状匀称摆列。Impeller is a disc, on the circumference of the blade evenly with.

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在有序的界线上没有发作不寻常的杂沓。No extraordinary disorder hinstanceens on the orderly circumference.

这是导致速度,沿着圆周改变的因素。This is the one that makes the speed change along the circumference.

定义一个圆类,计算圆的面积和周长。Class defines a circle, calculate area and circumference of a circle.

机车的周围放在空气筒,烟筒等等。An air tank and a chimney that was removed to a circumference are left.

这些反常情况仅限于在需求曲线的某一部分上。An arc is a part of the circumference of a circle or other curved lines.

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焊缝的一个连续的整个圆周珠山周围。Weld a contiguous bead around the entire circumference of the axle mount.

压气机出口压力沿圆周方向接近于常数。The compressor-outlet pressure is nearly constant around the circumference.

新兵使电流在周长上在电路内循环。The recruit made the current circulate in the circuit on the circumference.