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别溅到我的鞋上。Don't splash my shoes.

请勿在水里嬉水。No splash in the water.

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在一次溅落中沉底。Or sink it with a splash.

雨水清凉的泼溅。The cooling splash of rain.

他噗通一声地掉进河。The sound of a light splash.

生活溅了我一身黑狗血。The life I have a splash of back.

我把油和惊讶泼到自己身上I splash myself with oil and wonder

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我跌入水中,激起水花四溅。I fell into the water with a splash.

婴儿喜欢在浴缸中溅水。The baby liked to splash in its tub.

他扑通一声跌入水中。He fell into the water with a splash.

扑通一声,他扎进水里去了。He dived into the water with a splash.

她的狗是带白花的黄狗。Her dog is brown with white splash es.

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食物和液体溅落导致的损坏。D. food and liquid splash damage to the.

免费下载飞溅建兴,享受!Download free Splash Lite now and enjoy!

穿上你的靴子,飞溅在水坑里。Put on your boots. Splash ih the puddles.

像一只湿蝙蝠,用黄昏浇湿他们。Splash them with twilight like a wet bat.

加条红围巾,添点亮色。Add a red scarf to give a splash of color.

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池水一溅,赫尔墨斯跳进池塘。Hermes jumped into the pond with a splash.

他跳入水池,水花四溅。He jumped into the pool, making a loud splash.

月光在雨里疯狂地飞溅流溢。Moonbeams splash and spill wildly in the rain.