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她的班主任选了她和另外一个男孩子做主持人。Her head teacher chose her and a boy to be the emcee.

我喜欢担任许多讲座和晚会的主持人。I enjoy acting as an emcee of many lectures and evenings.

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我女儿白天在背诵主持人的台词。My daughter recited the actor's lines for the emcee in the daytime.

赵寅成将会在空军军乐团的表演中担任司仪。In-Sung Zo is going to emcee at occasions which will be held in Airforce Band.

发短信比赛是紧张的,哪怕现场并没有主持人多次提到紧张气氛。The text trials were tense, even without the emcee repeatedly noting the tension.

我女儿被挑选去和其他三个学生一起主持一个学校的教育活动。My daughter was picked to emcee a school educational activity with other three students.

这让我产生了一种愉快、感激加如果司仪当众触摸我的脚趾头时,会感到的那种憎恶这三者感觉的古怪混合感。This evokes in me the weird blend of pleasure, gratitude, and revulsion I'd feel if the emcee publicly fondled my toes.

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大学期间积累了丰富的导游工作经验,现从事会务、营销、庆典等主持工作,中英皆可哦!I have accumulated rich experience of Tourist Guide job during my school time. I am the emcee of business, marketing, and other celebrations now.

然而此时的罗志祥受经纪公司合约限制,不能发行新专辑。只能向主持行业发展。What's worse, at that moment, for the problem of the contract with his Agency Corproration, he can not release any ablums, so he turned to be an emcee.

播音主持艺术专业的教学,应该重视正确的学习路向,即感性、知性、理性和悟性的过程。The teaching of Broadcast and Emcee art have to pay attention to the correct learning process, which consist of sensibility-. Intellectuality, rationality and savvy.

我们的一些客户也要求把团队建设融入他们的舞会,家庭日,公司活动或会议。Emcee skills are also vital to our team building programmes as some of our clients combine their Dinner and Dance or Family Day events with their teambuilding sessions.

一个朋友的婚礼上,司仪拿出一张百元钞票问在场所有人,谁想要请举手,大家想怕是司仪想出来整人的花招吧,没人说话。A friend's wedding, emcee took out a hundred dollar bill asked in place someone, who want to please raise hand, you think I daresay emcee think out those trick trick it, can't talk to people.

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节目主持的艺术性,在于通过节目主持人的逆向反应能力,调控节目参与者的情绪,营造欢愉气氛,从而达到寓教于乐的目的。One of emcee arts is the reverse response, by way of which, the emcee can adjust the morale of the present company and build a lively atmosphere, thus fulfilling the implied educational function.