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发布一个徽标。Post a logo.

发图片。Post pictures.

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这篇文章是给谁的呢?Who is this post for?

寄给他们一张明信片。Send them a post card.

她坚守岗位。She sticks to her post.

我现在就去把它寄走。I'll go and post it now.

我忘了曾寄这封信的事。I forgot post the letter.

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球打到门柱上。The ball stroke the post.

请到新帖讨论。Please go to the new post.

谁将接替他的职位?Who will succeed his post?

我们有三个工作空缺。We have three post vacants.

他在地上树起了一根杆子。He set a post in the ground.

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他把马系在柱子上。He tied the horse to a post.

我得设法保住我的职位。I have to hold down my post.

这个警卫擅离职守。The guard deserted his post.

这意味着没有职位没有薪水。This means no post no salary.

当我选择念研究生。When I choosed post graduate.

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这是你的报纸和信件。Your newspaper and your post.

他把马拴在柱上。He tied the horse to the post.

不过,您的职位是一语中的。However, your post is spot on.