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我要独自去帕克塔卡斯。I'm going to Pax Tharkas alone.

中东的“美式和平”主义者The "Pax Americana" in the Middle East

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同样,在机票上也要显示出MCO号码。MCO number should also be indicated on PAX airfare ticket.

这个可爱,毛茸茸的熊猫就是中国研究院的标志。Ah, the cute, cuddly furry Panda is a symbol of Pax Sinica.

莱奥纳多博士称这些地区是格陵兰的文化中心。Dr Pax Leonard describes the area as the "cultural centre of Greenland".

或许又是时候和另一家网络合作了呢,PAX还在考虑吗?Maybe it's time for another network to get in the mix. Is PAX still around?

如果他们不能,那么赤字,美元美国强权下的世界安定和平又意味着什么?And if they can’t, what does that mean for the deficit, the dollar, and Pax Americana?

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你生活在罗马和平时期,生意做得不错,你还能到处旅行。You've got a good business,the Pax Romana,the Roman peace, actually allows you to travel.

前2位旅客的预定须在同一记录编号内,以后客人的预定可以分开。First 2 passengers' booking must be in one PNR. The 3rd pax onward can be in separate PNR.

他的统治时期也被称作“罗马帝国统治下的和平时期”,亦称罗马式的和平,因为在他的统治下,外交手段得到充分应用。His reign is known as Pax Romana, or Roman Peace, because during his reign diplomacy flourished.

“那是讲给傻瓜听的,”“市民”说,那位花花公子所缔造的该死的梅毒倒比和平来得多些。Tell that to a fool, says the citizen. There's a bloody sight more pox than pax about that boyo.

帕克斯害怕与弟弟失去联系,也知道古奥垂涎塞布巴的女按摩师。Pax feared losing track of his brother, and also knew that Guo had his eye on Sebulba's masseuses.

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每当他教马德或帕克斯学新东西,或看见他们大笑或开心地尖…His eyes light up whenever he teaches Mad or Pax something new and sees them laugh or scream with joy.

近日,好莱坞巨星布拉德·皮特成为安吉丽娜·朱莉新近收养的孩子帕克斯的法定养父。Brad Pitt recently became the legal father of Pax Thien, not pictured, the latest in the Jolie-Pitt clan.

在罗马帝国的历史上,确实有一段时间是和平的,被称作“罗马帝国统治下的和平”。There was a time in the history of the Roman Empirewhen there was great peace. It was called the Pax Romana.

大同1500多年前曾是北魏的都城,是我国历史文化名城之一!Pax Romana 1500 years ago in the capital of the Northern Wei , one of China's historical and cultural relics.

自从一无是处的瘾君子父母将他们卖为奴隶后,帕克斯就一直照顾着弟弟。Pax had looked out for his brother ever since their shiftless, spice-addled parents had sold them into slavery.

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也有人担心这个政府维护了30年的“美式和平”的稳定局面会因此支离破碎。There is also a concern that the stability provided to Pax Americana by this regime for three decades will be torn apart.

凯撒奥古斯丁在他的年代曾经声名极盛,他统治罗马帝国,并且缔造了一段史称「罗马和平时代」的太平盛世。Caesar Augustus was famous in his day. He ruled the Roman Empire and ushered in a period of peace known as the Pax Romana.

如果你在罗马和平时期过于安逸,你就会被这本书弄得心神不宁,从而站到正义的一边。But if you're too comfortable with the Pax Romana you're supposed to be mad uncomfortable by the text and get on the right side.