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至关重要的炮弹总是哑弹。The crucial round is a dud.

至关重要的炮弹总是哑弹。The crucial circular is a dud.

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那脚长传很关键。The long-pass is very crucial.

中国正处在一个重要关头。China is at a crucial juncture.

现在是谷物生长的关键时期。Now is the crucial time for corn.

修心的训练是十分重要的。Training the mind is most crucial.

什么是关键性的现象All right. What's the crucial fact?

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好,那么第二步,这是关键的部分。OK, so two, that's the crucial part.

兵贵神速。Speed is crucial in military affairs.

电子邮件列表中选择也是至关重要的。Thee-mail opt in list is also crucial.

这对于此产品正常工作很重要。This is crucial for the product to work.

关键的第一句话该怎么说呢?And what about those crucial first words?

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但防潮是一个要害问题。But moistureproof it is a crucial question.

就我们的论题来讲,我觉得这些都无关紧要For our purposes, I think it's not crucial.

符文系统是一个非常重要的系统。Runestones are an extremely crucial system.

第四次拉特兰会,在1215年,是至关重要的。Council, in 1215, was of crucial importance.

但是膜的选择和压力的调试也比较重要。But choose of velum and pressure are crucial.

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王家岭剩余32名矿工的救助进入关键时刻。Rescue effort for 32 miners in crucial phase.

在虚构的故事中,起引导作用的动物是关键角色。Guiding animals are crucial in mythic stories.

我向迪尼茨转达了尼克松关键性的决定。I conveyed Nixon's crucial decision to Dinitz.