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他在家,我完了。He's home. I'm screwed.

象鼻虫的身体是拧起来的。Weevils are screwed up.

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她搞砸了一切。She screwed everything up.

他急忙离开了那所房子。He screwed out of the house.

他们把地板做坏了。They screwed up the flooring.

他旋掉了坛子上的盖儿。He screwed the lid on the jar.

他令他的舞伴快速旋转起来。He screwed his partner quickly.

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他生气地把信揉成一团。He screwed the letter up angrily.

他的脸因为恐惧而扭歪著。His face was screwed up with fear.

安装灯泡和插座于灯外壳上。I screwed the bulb into the socket.

哇,你的现任男友真草包。Wow, your new boyfriend is screwed.

她吧瓶子的盖子拧上了。She screwed the cap back on the jar.

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我要说,“老兄,你搞砸了”。And I'd say hey, man, you screwed up.

他把小提琴的弦拧紧了。He screwed the strings of his violin.

六艘一样的螺丝箝制钢造蒸气巡洋舰。Six twin screwed steel steam cruisers.

皮球旋转着飞进了球门。The ball screwed and flew into the goal.

他将灯泡拧进了灯头里。He screwed the light bulb into the socket.

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她在明亮的光线下眯起了眼睛。She screwed up her eyes in the bright light.

他为达到他自己的目的而歪曲事实。He screwed the facts to suit his own purposes.

木匠用螺丝钉将锁钉在门上。SCREW】The carpenter screwed a lock on the door.