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他们把他打昏了。They beat him unconscious.

我这样不省人事有多久了?How long had I been unconscious?

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这能让无意识变得安静。This quiets the unconscious mind.

哦,你是个不自觉的仆从。Oh, you are an unconscious henchman.

这全都属于精神分析中的无意识范畴。This is all the Freudian unconscious.

他走了进来,背上背着一个昏迷过去的女孩。He came in,horsing an unconscious girl.

无意识在这里扮演了重要的角色。And here's where the unconscious comes in.

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这就是古鲁的无意识之舞。This is the unconscious dance of the guru.

它是关于自觉抑或不自觉的对抗。It’s about being conscious vs. unconscious.

我们大家都无意识地沉耽于角色扮演之中。We all indulge in unconscious role-playing.

她回头看了看凯丽无知觉的状态。She looked back at Kelly's unconscious form.

你有过外伤所致的意识丧失吗?Have you ever been unconscious from an injury?

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亨利爵士躺在他摔倒的地方,毫无知觉。Sir Henry lay unconscious where he had fallen.

我知道,你对自己的无意识很是不满。I know, you are very upset at your unconscious.

想像我的身体无知觉地躺在地上。Picture my body lying on the ground unconscious.

根据弗洛伊德的理论,人格结构的大部分是无意识的。Now, according to Freud, most of this is unconscious.

拉斐尔怎么了?不知道,他昏迷了。What happened to Raph? I don'tknow. He's unconscious.

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那个不安的人没有发觉到我的忧虑。The disturbed time man is unconscious of my anxieties.

没有真实的伴侣,无意识的玩乐是彻底自由的。With no real partner, the unconscious is free to play.

催眠师能直接作用于无意识思维。A hypnotist can act upon the unconscious mind directly.