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一只僧海豹躺在夏威夷,考艾岛的沙滩上。Hawaiian monk seal on the beach in Kauai.

这项赛事花园岛新闻服务赛事和尼好岛自1902年。Kauai Garden Island News Serving Kauai and Ni'ihau Since 1902.

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信息要录在两盒磁带上,正好在我们回到考艾岛之前。The message came unusually on two tapes, just before we came to Kauai.

所以如果考爱岛像德克萨斯州盛产牛仔那样盛产冲浪冠军呢?So what if Kauai produces surf champions the way Texas produces cowboys?

与你的同伴在夏威夷的海滩度玩几周。Spend a few weeks vacationing on the beaches of Kauai with your partner.

我们是在考艾岛,我们好好使用了图书馆,两者都为了书和音乐。While we were in Kauai we make good use of the library, both for books and music.

考爱岛上许多人认为这里就是勒慕里亚——一个大西洋里失落的岛屿。Many people on Kauai believe that this is Lemuria – a lost island in the Atlantic.

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作为夏威夷群岛第四大的岛屿,考艾岛是地球上最为潮湿的地区之一。The fourth largest of the Hawaiian Islands, Kauai is one of the wettest spots on earth.

考爱岛的冬季在雨中度过并且大自然的一切湿润,葱绿繁茂。Spending the winter on Kauai there is lots of rain and everything in nature is moist, lush and green.

某日早上,她一觉醒来,竟无措地发现自己在考艾岛的另一端——椰子海岸。One morning she woke up on Coconut Coast, without knowing how she’d gotten to the other side of Kauai.

考古学家推测第一批到夏威夷的“游客”约公元500年在考艾岛登陆。Archaeologists speculate that the first "tourists" to Hawaii landed on Kauai perhaps as early as 500 A.

考古学家推测第一批到夏威夷的“游客”约公元500年在考艾岛登陆。Archaeologists speculate that the first "tourists" to Hawaii landed on Kauai perhaps as early as 500 A. D.

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虽然说夏威夷已历经了一百万年的岁月,但是,在西北端考艾岛的死火山却已是其五倍了。While Hawaii is about a million years old, theextinctvolcano of Kauai on the north-west end is five times older.

虽然说夏威夷已历经了一百万年的岁月,但是,在西北端考艾岛的死火山却已是其五倍了。While Hawaii is about a million years old, the extinct volcano of Kauai on the north-west end is five times older.

作为一种认可,有点迟,一个来自我们通灵团队在考艾岛的女孩请求我归还她的图书馆的书。As a confirmation, a bit later, one of the gals from our Cloverleaf group in Kauai asked me to return her library book.

在考艾岛博物馆,可以看到手工精密的史前文物,也能看到当代夏威夷土著人的手工艺制品。Educational displays of the artifacts and contemporary crafts of the Native Hawaiians can be found at the Kauai Museum.

通灵,我这个月与你们一起分享,深入探究进入灵性理解中,是在考艾岛圣诞节之前完成。The channeling I am sharing with you this month, DELVING DEEPER INTO SPIRITUAL UNDERSTANDING, was done here on Kauai before Christmas.

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访问赛事是迅速失去了自己在安静的国王陛下该岛屿的茂密的热带性的环境和非凡的自然遗产。To visit Kauai is to quickly lose yourself in the quiet majesty of the island's lush tropical setting and extraordinary natural heritage.

接着,9月12日,夏威夷州长宣布客轮月底将正式通航考艾岛。这一消息激怒了许多本地人。Then on September 12th Hawaii's governor declared that the ferry would indeed travel to Kauai at the end of the month, enraging many locals.

在第一次考艾岛之行不久后,我迁入了夏威夷岛屿,因为这里有我实现提升所需要的钥匙、祖先与记录。Soon after my first visit to Kauai I moved to the islands for here were the keys, ancestors and records I needed to bring my ascension forth.