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我很佩服她的野心。I admire her ambition.

他的野心毫无止境。His ambition is unbounded.

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雄心壮志使他意气风发。His ambition goaded him on.

我爱他有志气。I love him for his ambition.

她没有个人野心。She has no personal ambition.

也想看看萤火虫。Also ambition to see glowworm.

野心往往自招失败。Ambition often overleaps itself.

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他做了自己野心的奴隶。Heis in bondage to his ambition.

就拿志保来说吧!Take ambition to protect to say!

健康每况愈下使人志气衰退。Failing health dwindles ambition.

无限的政治野心显然脱不了干系。Boundless ambition was part of it.

野心败露了。One's wild ambition came to light.

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这声音多么有志气啊!This is how the voice of ambition ah!

他的问题也许是在于胸无大志。Lack of ambition might be his problem.

她没什么特别的个人奢望。She has no especial personal ambition.

远大的志向鞭策着他。The great ambition is spurring him on.

鸟贵有翼,人贵有志。Birds have wings, people have ambition.

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贝索被他的抱负所震骇。Besso is dazzled by Einstein's ambition.

希特勒的野心最终未能得逞。Hitler's ambition was falsified at last.

每个年轻人都应该有远大抱负。Every young man should have big ambition.