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你是想为我解忧吗?Be you trying to distract me?

你是想为我解忧吗?。Are you trying to distract me?

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但是喊叫声分散对手的注意力了吗?But does grunting distract an opponent?

几个人同时讲话会使听者分散注意力。Several people talking at once distract a listener.

她喋喋不休,想分散他的注意力。She jabbered away, trying to distract his attention.

这是我对你的一个义务,任何事情都不能让我分心。I owe you this duty and nothing will distract me from it.

那纯粹是障眼法,用以分散人们对他真正意图的注意力。It is all a ploy to distract attention from his real aim.

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但我们决不能因这些进步而忽视存在的挑战。But progress should never distract us from the challenges.

我喜欢那句“被当做会让我们分心的猛兽。”I love that phrasing. "Regarded as devils to distract us."

德国人希望借此分散美国欲加入一战的注意力。Germany hoped this would distract the US from entering WWI.

那纯粹是障眼法,用以分散人们对他真正意图的注意力。It was all a ploy to distract attention from his real aims.

别让我分神,我要专心学习。Don't distract me. I'm trying to concentrate on my studying.

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这又是企图分散人们对事实真相的注意力。It was another attempt to distract attention from the truth.

工作的时候,似乎没有什么事情可以让他分心的。参考答案。When he is at work, nothing seems to be able to distract him.

无论如何,咱们得转移母熊注意力,“狐狸建议道。"We need to distract the old mother bear somehow, " said Fox.

如果在她找乐的时候试图转移她,她则会尖叫。Attempts to distract her during these episodes caused screaming.

他们引发了一场科多践踏事件误导恐怖图腾,趁机逃离。They cause a kodo stampede to distract the Grimtotem and escape.

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你是否试图分散豪啕大哭男孩子的注意力而安慰哭泣的女孩使她们心情舒畅呢?Do you attempt to distract crying boys but reassure crying girls?

你的负面情绪不会惹恼你,或困扰你。Your negative emotions aren’t there to annoy you or distract you.

在吵闹的餐馆里吃饭,你的谈话会受到干扰。A noisy restaurant can distract you from your dinner conversation.