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我腿骨折了。I broke my leg.

第一种情况是,我破产了。One, I'm broke.

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她打碎了一只花瓶。She broke a vase.

顺便打歪了我的鼻子。And broke my nose.

他与她断绝了交往。He broke with her.

我知道他破产了。I know he?s broke.

她的腿骨折了。She broke her leg.

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她摔断了一条腿。She broke her leg.

一阵酷暑突然过去了。The hot spell broke.

我的心又碎了。This broke my heart.

重启战端。War broke out again.

发生了饥荒。A famine broke forth.

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是说长矛折断了吗So, the spears broke?

他们突然唱起歌来。They broke into song.

一种流行病突然开始流行。An epidemic broke out.

我突然心生一计。An idea broke upon me.

他突然离开她。He broke away with her.

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蹦跳的鱼跃出水面。The jumping fish broke.

棍子断成两截。The stick broke in two.

但是库普切克没有放弃。But Kupchak never broke.