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这座火山是座死火山。The volcano is extinct.

长毛象是不会绝种的。Mammoths can't go extinct.

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已经绝种的熊猫牌水彩。The extinct Panda Water Colour.

这座火山是座死火山。The passenger pigeon is extinct.

我想要变成已灭尽的动物。I want to become extinct animals.

大海雀是种灭绝的鸟类。The great auk is an extinct bird.

土生的栗树并没有绝种。The native chestnut is not extinct.

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CRT这条恐龙需要灭绝。The CRT dinosaur needs to be extinct.

它的许多山峰是死火山。Many of the peaks are extinct volcanoes.

我每周在一座死火山旁野餐。I picnic by an extinct volcano every week.

成天享乐的袋鼠终将滨临绝种危机?Kangaroo having fun will extinct in thw world?

他曾经使用那座死火山当做脚凳。And he used the extinct volcano as a foot-stool.

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就象恐龙一样灭绝在6556千万年以前!As the dinosaurs extinct in 6556 million before!

这儿是一片死火山的中心地带。Here is the center of an extinct volcanic field.

那种已尽迹的珍异的鸟的羽毛中含锌。The extinct exotic bird's feather contains zinc.

那种已绝迹的珍奇的鸟的羽毛中含锌.The extinct exotic bird’s feather contains zinc.

死火山已失去爆发能力。An extinct volcano has ceased to be able to explode.

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我们要保护已经为数不多的鲣鸟。We should protect gannets, which are almost extinct.

陷入其中的是一只已经灭绝的无蛰针蜜蜂。Trapped inside was an extinct breed of stingless bee.

死火山最终形成了这个自然保护区。Formations on the reserve came from extinct volcanoes.