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它是一个全景?。Isit a panorama ?

这里可以看到亚拉拉特山美丽的全貌。A wonderful panorama of the Ararat valley.

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这全景是惊人的。Marfa, West Texas. The panorama is amazing.

你也可以将全景图嵌入你的站点。You can also embed the panorama in your own website.

爬上这座高塔可以看到工厂的全景。Climbing up the tower to see the panorama of the factory.

增加最大图片大小在连拍,运动和全景模式。Increase Maximum Picture Size in Burst, Sport & Panorama Mode.

从山顶能看到天柱山地区壮观的全景。From the summit there is a superb panorama of Mt. Tienchu area.

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预计约有50部电影作品将角逐柏林影展。Around 50 works are entered in the Berlinale's Panorama section.

在您家里的任一位置都可安装瞻景式壁炉。In your home , panorama fireplace can be installed at any place.

登上第三层楼阁,可眺望宝秀镇全景。Boarded the third layer pavilions , overlooks the town-show Panorama.

格陵兰的乌佩纳维克,一个北极圈内的小镇的全景。A panorama of Upernavik, Greenland, a small town in the Arctic Circle.

此170度全景图是通过蓝色、绿色和红色过滤器拍摄的。This 170-degree panorama through blue, green and red filters shooting.

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全景天窗和双氙大灯将在稍后的时间。A panorama sunroof and bi-xenon headlights will follow at a later time.

全景是更接近我们在笔记本电脑的设备得到的经验。A panorama is more akin to the experience we get on a device like a laptop.

E·O·威尔逊从蚁群出发让我们得以一窥进化的全貌。E O Wilson extended the lessons of the ant heap to the panorama of evolution.

大千世界的五光十色与千姿百态被认为是理所当然。The panorama of colour and action which fills the world is taken for granted.

大面积的森林全貌可以从一份图表中详尽地表示出来。The silvan panorama of large area is OK express in detail from inside a chart.

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但是现在,迪拜的全景照片被授予了世界上最大照片的称号。Now, however, a panorama of Dubai has just been named the World’s Largest Photo.

提出了一种多视点全景图像自动生成的新方法。A novel method was proposed to create a multi-perspective panorama automatically.

这张令人印象深刻的全景图展示了3.6米天文望远镜的详尽细节。This impressive vertical panorama shows the ESO 3.6-metre telescope in great detail.