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一天,路接到任务去炮击一艘油船。One day, Lou received an order to bombard a tanker.

广告和社会暗示鼓动消费者吃了又吃。Advertisements and social cues bombard consumers to eat.

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消防局的墙上挂着一面国旗。This pulchritude hangs from the side wall of a bombard house.

您这么明火执仗的,哪里拿得住人?You the so explicit bombard keep battle, where take live a person?

“破坏者号”歼星舰跳出超空间,准备轰炸塔穆兹—昂。The Demolisher emerged from hyperspace, ready to bombard Tammuz-an.

如果他们要对我进行广告轰炸,要给我一个折扣。If they want to bombard me with advertising, then give me a discount.

另一种选择是用更多的广告轰炸用户,但这可能会吓跑他们。The other option is to bombard users with more ads, which might scare them away.

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现在全球的核武器加总起来,足以将整个地球毁灭几百次。Now the total amount of nuclear weapons can bombard the whole world several hundred times.

直到今天,小型的陨石也在连续不断的撞击地球,并掉落在陆地和海洋中。Even today, microscopic meteorites continually bombard Earth, falling on both land and sea.

这900个昼夜充满了令人恐惧的饥饿、死亡、寒冷和无休止的狂轰滥炸。It is the nine hundred days of horrible starvation, death, chilliness and ceaseless bombard.

不论你做什么,不要堆砌公司行话轰炸真实世界里可怜的无辜的人们。Whatever you do, don’t bombard poor, innocent people in the real world with corporate jargon.

愿你的家人、朋友和恋人被许多巧克力、糖果和爱的盛宴狂轰乱炸。May chocolates, candies and lovely treats bombard your family members, friends and dear ones.

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忽听得一声炮响,红旗开处,弓弩齐发。Suddenly a bombard sounded and the flags parted. Archers and crossbowmen fired simultaneously.

否则,连续不断的请求会冲垮服务器,并且这种情况下显然不具有可伸缩性。Otherwise you would bombard your server with constant requests, and clearly that would not scale.

土耳其将会得到妖怪射石炮,原型就是围攻君士坦丁堡的重型大炮。The Turks will get a monster bombard modelled on the one they used in the siege of Constantinople.

自由中子可以轰击其它的核,导致一系列的裂变,称为链锁反应。The free neutrons can bombard other nuclei, leading to a series of fissions called a chain reaction.

军事干预的要求是与日俱增轰炸叛军占据的地区由利比亚亲卡扎菲的力量。Calls for military intervention are growing as pro-Gaddafi forces bombard areas held by Libyan rebels.

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我马上把问题像连珠炮一样抛了出来,问他为什么要这样害我,让我着急?I'll be right to bombard the same problem as throwing out, asked him why I want to do harm, let me worry?

电视与其它媒体,例如阅读报纸或书刊杂志,会利用反物质轰炸形体。Television and other media such as reading newspapers, books and magazines, bombard the form with antimatter.

为了晚点开始高中的日子,用洪水淹没和精心准备的申诉炸掉学校董事会。Do some deluging of your own and bombard your school board with well-researched pleas for a later start to the