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那么对于HBV而言,它是如何破坏天然免疫应答的?For HBV, how does it subvert the innate immune response?

叛军曾企图推翻现政府。The rebellious troops attempted to subvert the present government.

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马克思与后现代主义都对传统主体概念进行了颠覆。Marx and Post-modernist both subvert traditional concept of subject.

而且公司有办法对付那些破坏团队的员工。And organizationshave ways of dealing with employees who subvert the team.

无路可走,那就颠覆一切重新开始。特步,走出不一样的人生。Nowhere to go, it would subvert a fresh start. X-power to go a different life.

此人目前尚未服满三年六个月刑期,罪名是“企图颠覆国家”。Hu is serving three-and-a-half years in jail for "inciting to subvert state power".

胥渡称秘诀是颠覆经典人物的个性才能获得最佳搞笑效果。Xu Du says the secret is to subvert the classic character can obtain the best comedy.

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没有充分的证据表明正发党在执政期间试图颠覆世俗主义。And there is scant evidence that AK has used its time in office to subvert secularism.

我们的政治系统不会轻易被颠覆以致一个人轻易地掌控一切。Our system is not so easy to subvert that one man could so readily take over everything.

在他心中,反对党从来不安好心,旨在破坏制宪过程,毁掉整个国家。He says the opposition aims to subvert the constitutional process and "destroy the country."

它甚至可能已经被故意更改过以破坏程序的安全性。It could even have been deliberately modified in an effort to subvert your program's security.

大部分州议会也参与了反对联邦政府每小时55英里的限速规定。Most state legislatures have helped subvert popular compliance with the federal 55 m. p. h. law.

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正如田沁鑫所说,莎士比亚是世界的,我们无须颠覆他。As Tian Qinxin put it, because Shakespeare belongs to the world, there is no need to subvert him.

余华以曾经颠覆既有历史、既有传统的勇气,颠覆自己曾经孜孜不倦的追求。Yuhua have to subvert both history and both have their own traditional courage subversion tireless pursuit.

蒙迪扎巴尔已经着手编造对立情境,以图推翻CICIG关于罗森博格之死的理论。Mendizábal had already begun to construct a counter-scenario to subvert CICIG’s theory of Rosenberg’s death.

应杜塞这些人的口,因为他们为了可耻的利润,竟教导那不应教导的事,破坏人的整个家庭。Who must be reproved, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake.

同时,犬必须乐意并且有能力扭曲其驱力,以迎合训导员的意愿。At the same time, the dog must be willing and able to subvert his drives according to the wishes of his trainer.

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一些人想方设法钻这种体制的漏洞来牟利,体制理当施以惩罚。This is the case of people trying to subvert the system for profit and the system, rightfully, punishing everyone.

人们担心,刘先生将被控以“煽动颠覆国家政权”,一种类似的任意罗织罪名。" It is feared that Mr. Liu will be charged with "incitement to subvert state power, " a similarly arbitrary crime.

这是一个由维护个人主义颠覆既定秩序的志同道合的一些人组成的一个团体。It's a community of likeminded people coming together to assert their individualism and subvert the established order.