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神话是什么?What is Myth?

当然,这只是一种讹传。This is a myth.

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这不过是个神话。It's only a myth.

DOCTYPE是一个神话!DOCTYPE is a myth.

因缘果位神马的只是神话。Karma Bhumi is a myth.

宿命论是一个谜团。Predestination is a myth.

安稳不过是神话,人尽皆知。We know security is a myth.

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独身主义综合症是神话吗?Is celibacy syndrome a myth?

上党是神话的故乡。Shangdang hometown is a myth.

约翰·福特是要创造神话。John Ford was a maker of myth.

作者想象出许多神话。The writer feigns many a myth.

这是一种文化迷思。That's kind of a cultural myth.

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米思照明,成就靓丽生活!Myth lighting, bright your life!

那这种子虚乌有的说法是从哪儿来的?。So where did this myth come from?

经济脱钩,并非一个神话。Economic decoupling is not a myth.

起先这一扯谈观点看似正确。At first this myth might seem true.

我们都知道关于澳洲人的传奇。We all know the myth of the Aussie.

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但是这个错误认识也很危险。But the myth is also a dangerous one.

然后传说开始有漏洞了And then there were cracks in the myth.

安德烈•巴赞说,夏尔洛是个神话。Andre Bazin said that Ciarlo was a myth.