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那起事故使杰克丧妻。The accident bereaved Jack of his wife.

但是失去我的英国人不会那么惊讶。But the bereaved British cannot be surprised.

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他想向死者亲友表示慰问。He wanted to show his sympathy for the bereaved.

对于守寡表现虚伪的丧偶妇女。Bereaved women who exhibit their widowhood insincerely.

告诉我当你的丧偶的父母又开始约会的时候,你感觉如何?Tell us about how it went when your bereaved parent began dating again.

我们都对那个丧失了自己的心爱的妻子的丈夫表示同情。We all sympathized with the husband who has bereaved of his beloved wife.

我们都很同情那位失去了爱妻的丈夫。We all sympathized with the husband who was bereaved of his beloved wife.

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我们理解韩国人民、尤其是遇难者家属的悲痛心情。We understand the sorrow of the ROK people, particularly the bereaved families.

我们这对痛失爱女的父母,是否仍能找到荣耀上帝的方法?Could we, in our new identity as bereaved parents, still find a way to glorify God?

中方对拉巴尼先生不幸遇难表示哀悼,对受害者家属表示慰问。China expresses condolences over Mr. Rabbani's death and solicitude to the bereaved.

不要因为你自己感到无助,就防碍你帮助一个丧亲的孩子。Don\\\'t let your own sense of helplessness keep you from reaching out to a bereaved child.

同样,痛失这位美女的情郎,应该是最适宜叙述这件事情的人了。Equally is it beyond doubt that the lips best suited for such topic are those of a bereaved lover.

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中方对遇难者表示哀悼,对韩国人民和遇难者家属表示慰问。China expresses condolences to the victims and solicitude to the ROK people and the bereaved families.

目前,可能的受害者包括阵亡士兵的家属、前首相和下一任国王。Possible victims now include bereaved service families, the previous prime minister and the next king.

杀戮的一个星期后,挪威领导对奥斯陆的死者家属进行了慰问。One week after the killings, Norway's leaders will join bereaved relatives for a memorial service in Oslo.

还有许多国家既没有彻底调查事故原因,也没有为伤者和遗属提供公平补偿。Many also fail to investigate crashes thoroughly and provide fair settlements for the injured and bereaved.

官员称,其他死难者家属后来抵达现场,对仪式上没有提及他们死去的亲人表示不满。Other bereaved relatives arrived to complain that names of their own dead were not mentioned at the ceremony.

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贾森先生的律师发现他的遗愿是将他所有的遗产赠与瘫痪的人和丧失劳动力的人。Mr. Jason's lawyer found that his will was bestowing his entire bequest to benumbed and labor bereaved people.

桑当斯公司前总裁乔治。琼斯一直在努力帮助死者亲属从突降噩耗的悲哀中恢复。Former Sundance chairman, George Jones, has been trying to help bereaved relatives cope with their sudden loss.

当面对一位濒死或伤恸的人,说话时必须也包括肯定的成分。When dealing with a dying or bereaved person, it must also include an element of affirmation toward the speaker.