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把插枝扦插泥炭中。A cutting in a peat bog.

谁会在乎泥水池沼在想什么呢?So who cares what the bog thinks?

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你的车会陷进泥沼的。Your car will bog down in the mud.

伦把婕琳带到博格登的沼泽卫星。Ren took Gerin to the bog moon of Bogden.

这里的孩子每位都能拿一袋糖果回家。Each child here can take a bog of goodies home.

互联网上的互动会否让白宫陷入困顿?Would mass e-interaction bog down the White House?

每个岛屿周围有一个沼泽。There is a fen around each island – a passable bog.

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一个不可逾越的泥沼区。A piece of impassable bog with yield of liquid peat.

不要为去解决这些幻想的问题而使自己陷入泥潭,效率下降。Don't bog yourself down trying to solve these phantom issues.

然而,要绕到敌人后方,我们必须越过一片沼泽地。However, in order to do this, we must went through a field of bog.

泽蛙对农药敏感,尤以蝌蚪最敏感。Bog frog is very susceptible to pesticides, especially its tadpoles.

我想最值得去看的东西是一个在沼泽里被发现的男人。I think the best thing to go and see is a man who was found in a bog.

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事实是在短时期内爱尔兰还很难从这个经济泥沼中脱身而出。It is true that Ireland will not soon pull itself from the economic bog.

比赛中,挑战者须要穿越齐腰深的沼泽地。The course includes a waist deep bog which the competitors have to negotiate.

木头掉进了沼泽里,扑通一声巨响,半英里外都能听到。The log fell into the bog with a splash that could be heard half a mile away.

我认为中国将在21世纪遇到大麻烦,十字路口前的泥沼还在等着他们。I think China has a huge way in 21 Century and the bog crossroad is still ahead.

身处这个变化的环境是件好事,但同时它也可能会让你陷入困境不能前进。Being open to this changing environment is a good thing, but it can bog you down.

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再过几年,当沼泽干涸之后,泥煤可以挖出来用作燃料。In later years when the bog is drained, the peat can be dug out and used as fuel.

马铃薯可以产生任何隐藏在沼泽或沟大量的碳水化合物。The potato could produce huge amounts of carbohydrates in any hidden bog or ditch.

他想去整理植被清单,这些清单是关于他之前去过的沼泽地的猪笼草的。He wanted to work on the vegetation inventory for a pitcher plant bog he had going.