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资讯以全权公使要将反恐进行到底。Information to be Minister Plenipotentiary in the end to terrorism.

该部长获有全权进行贸易谈判。The minister is given plenipotentiary power in the trade negotiation.

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该部长获有全权进行贸易谈判。全权大使。The minister was given plenipotentiary powers in the trade negotiations.

每个成员国派一名全权代表参加。Each member country is represented by a delegate with plenipotentiary power.

特命全权大使为大使馆的馆长。An ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary shall be the head of an embassy.

由董事会选任一人为董事长,全权代表公司。A person elected by the board of directors chairman, the Plenipotentiary companies.

作为全权大使,他代表的是国家的外交形象。As an ambassador plenipotentiary he represents the diplomatic image of his country.

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他是由联合国派出的维和全权大使,他有全权证书。He is a peacekeeping ambassador plenipotentiary designated by the United Union, he has full powers.

在这儿我像一个来自无拘无束的精灵的国度里的全权大使,来这儿旨在创造狂热和激动的气氛。I'm here as a plenipotentiary from the realm of free spirits. I'm here to create a fever and a ferment.

乌克兰驻华大使阁下在此次论坛上致辞。Kamyshev Serhii, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Embassy of Ukraine gave a splendid speech in this forum.

全权大使委员会召集了特别会议来听取沃尔夫上校的报告以及请求。The Plenipotentiary Council convened in extraordinary session to listen to Colonel Wolff's report and hear out his requests.

根据全国人大常委会的决定,派遣和召回驻外全权代表,批准和废除同外国缔结的条约和重要协定。To appoint and recall plenipotentiary and to rectify and abrogate treaties and important agreement concluded with foreign states.

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总体而言,面向流通的物流几乎成为中国物流业发展的全权代表。In general, facing the logistics of circulating nearly becomes the delegate plenipotentiary of development of logistics industry of Chinas.

对外是公司进行经济活动的全权代表,对内是公司的组织、管理的领导机构。Foreign companies are carrying out economic activities of the Plenipotentiary , is the company's internal organization, management, the lead agency.

全权大使委员会中有些人含糊地谈到了派遣援军的问题,可爱德华兹立刻便设法掐灭了这念头。There were those on the Plenipotentiary Council who had talked vaguely of sending reinforcements, but Edwards had managed to nip that one right away.

在记录中,文斯坚持要派遣一支骷髅小队进行测试,但是他暗地里感谢全权大使委员会拒绝了他的建议。Vince was on file as insisting on a skeleton crew for the test, but he was secretly thankful that the Plenipotentiary Council members had overruled him.

当全权大使委员会退出会议,开始讨论哨兵联盟的请求时,丽莎,瑞克和其他一些人正在参观这艘奇特的太空船。While the Plenipotentiary Council withdrew to discuss the Sentinels' request, Lisa, Rick, and a few others were offered a tour of the peculiar spacecraft.

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全权代表李昌镐和南京大亨签下价值百万的走穴合同,顺便为闺中密友做媒,关于毛佳君此次南京之行的这两大任务,本报。Plenipotentiary Li and Nanjing flying signed contracts worth millions go, passing plays for friends on the Nanjing trip Maojiajun two tasks, this newspaper.

一名男副官从人群中走出来护送他通过安全检测,片刻后他就见到了格兰特夫妇和两名议会参议员。A male aide appeared out of the crowd to escort him through security, and a moment later he stood facing the Grants and the two Plenipotentiary Council senators.

陪同金正日参观发电站的有俄罗斯总统驻远东联邦地区全权代表伊沙耶夫、及部分当地官员。Accompanied Kim Jong Il visited the power station of the Russian presidential plenipotentiary in the Far East Federal District Isa Aliyev, and some local officials.