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对于教师所要具备教育学以及心理学都有了较好的掌握。Have had fairly good grasping to what teacher needs to have pedagogics and psychology.

其实我是学教育的,这个理论来自于教育学里“熟练的技能”一章。Actually I had majored in Teaching. This theory comes from one of my pedagogics ' chap "Proficient Skill".

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因此,对CAI课件的研究和探索也成为当今教育领域内的一个研究和发展方向。So, studies of CAI coursewares also become a research and developing direction of current pedagogics realm.

随着计算机技术的普及和推广,教育领域内也掀起了一场教学的革命。With the popularization and spread of computer technology, a pedagogical revolution has been raised in pedagogics realm.

教育学原理属于基础研究学科,而且是所有教育学分支学科的基础。Pedagogics principle belongs to basic research discipline, which is also the basis of all educational branch disciplines.

这需要改进教学方法,加强师生之间的双向交流,以提高学生的口语能力。Therefore, we need to improve pedagogics and increase mutual Communication so as to raise students' ability in oral English.

具体实践中,有探索学习模式、自主学习模式、协同学习模式、案例教学模式和虚拟环境模式等五种模式。Based on pedagogics and psychology, this paper probes the features of students learning patterns and teachers teaching patterns.

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教育学原理学科的基本问题是课程问题、教学问题和学习问题的“三位一体”。The basic issues of the subjects of pedagogics principle are the integration of the issues of curriculum, teaching and learning.

体育教学过程是由教师、学生、教学内容与教学方法等相互联系和作用的一个复杂系统。The process of PE is a complicated system composed of teachers, students, teaching content and pedagogics which affect each other.

近年来语言教育研究者越来越关注元认知,使其成为心理学、教育学和语言学领域的研究热点。Recently more and more attention has been focused on metacognition, which is a heated topic in the fields of psychology, pedagogics and linguistics.

根据范梅南的教育学思想,教师的专业发展需要反思性教学,但更需要教育机智。The teachers' professional development needs reflective teaching and strongly teaching wit, according to The Max Van Manen's thinking of pedagogics.

南京师范大学2008年研究生考试教育学报考录取比例是多少?。Is that graduate student of Nanjing Normal University in 2008 have an exam pedagogics is registered for examination of enrolling proportion a number?

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物理教育学的内容涉及到物理学的知识、技能和方法,也涉及到教学论、心理学、教育测量、统计与评价的基本理论与规律。It relate to the knowledge, skills and methods of physics, as well as the basic theory and rules of pedagogics , psychology, educational measure, statistic and evaluation.

随着交际法理论和方法的引进,越来越多的教师重视在课堂上使用活动教学法。With the introduction of the theory and method of intercourse way, more and more teachers devoted much attention to the application of behaviour pedagogics to classroom teaching.

本文以美学、教育学和心理学理论作为理论依据,以自己多年的教学实践为根据,来探讨中学语文教学的审美教育。This article is based on aesthetics, pedagogics and psychology and the writer's many years' experience. It mainly talks about the Chinese teaching with aesthetic arts in middle schools.

部分家长实施亲子阅读教育活动的知识结构不够完整,缺乏语言学科、认知心理学、阅读心理学、教育学方面的知识。While implementing the parent-child reading activity, some parents'knowledge structures are not complete, lacking knowledge in linguistics, cognitive psychology, reading psychology and pedagogics.

为了解决上述问题,公共课教育学实践教学应从教学管理、教学形式、教学内容和教学评价等方面进行改革。In order to solve the above problems, the practical teaching of public course pedagogics should be reformed from such aspects as teaching management, teaching content and mode and teaching evaluation.

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本文从认识、课程设置、教材教法、课的质量评估等几个方面指出了体育教学改革所面临的问题及其产生的原因,阐明了笔者对解决这些问题的看法和意见。This Paper points out some problems and their causes in the reform of PE teaching from various angles, that is, cognition, curricula, teaching materials, pedagogics and evaluation of teaching quality.