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必须由元老院任命。The Senate had to appoint you.

作为一位总经理,他应当任人为贤。We must appoint a new teacher soon.

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我们委派谁担任主席呢?Who shall we appoint as chairperson?

我们定个时候闭会吧。Let's appoint a time for the meeting.

我们得指定一个时间来开这个会。We need to appoint a time for the meeting.

决定开会的时间和地点吧。Appoint the time and place for the meeting.

让我们定一个共进午餐的日子吧。Let's appoint a day to have a lunch together.

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如果达成协议,我们将指定你为我方的代理。If we come to terms, w’ll appoint you as our agent.

如果达成协议,我们将指定你为我方的代理。If we come to terms, we'll appoint you as our agent.

未指定出货前提出翻箱时间。Bring up repacking time before appoint shipping goods.

你该当心你所任命的那个经理。Be careful whom you appoint to the position of manager.

我想,任命希斯菲尔德会是一个明智的决定。I think it is a very wise decision to appoint Hitzfeld.

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国王要派他的一名奴仆去任这差事。The king would appoint one of his creatures to the post.

您认为我们指定一家当地的代理会有很大帮助吗?Do you think it will help much if we appoint a local agent?

代理商可在代理区域内委任多家经销商或代理商。Agent is allowed to appoint sub-distributors and sub-agents.

委任独立核数师须经成员批准。Appoint independent auditors subject to approval by members.

梅尔稍停了一下,好让大家都吃透他的论点后,再继续说下去。Mel paused, to let his appoint sink home, before continuing.

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张云勇律师可指定助手工作。Lawyer Zhang may appoint supporting attorneys as appropriate.

我们必须立即委派一名新教师到那山村小学去。We must appoint a new teacher at once to the mountain school.

委员会的委员由众议院和参议院的领导人任命。The leaders of the House and Senate appoint the commissioners.