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缺铁可导致贫血。Iron deficiency can lead to anaemia.

病毒唑增加贫血的风险。Ribavirin increased the risk of anaemia.

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医生诊断她的病是贫血症。The doctor diagnosed her illness as anaemia.

结果是造成渐进性的溶血性贫血。The result is a progressive haemolytic anaemia.

松弛多皱者为气血亏虚。The person that knit more flabbily is gas anaemia empty.

低剂量的乙二胺四乙酸铁钠可以减轻缺铁但是对贫血无效。Low-dose NaFeEDTA reduced iron deficiency but not anaemia.

贫血症状包括全身疲劳和困乏。Symptoms of anaemia include general fatigue and lassitude.

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其他表现有末梢神经炎、皮炎及贫血等。Other show has end neuritis, dermatitis and anaemia to wait.

贫血通常有什么症状,可以不抽血化验吗?。Anaemia has what symptom normally, need not exsanguinate assay?

贫血症是女性青少年中的主要营养问题。Anaemia is one of the key nutritional problems in adolescent girls.

合理的膳食结构是降低集居儿童贫血患病率的重要措施。Reasonable diet is an important measure to reduce children anaemia.

如果是所造成的贫血,你也可能开始采取铁片。If it is caused by anaemia you might have to start taking iron tablets.

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这种有毒元素会引起从贫血症到皮肤癌等各种病症。The element can trigger conditions ranging from anaemia to skin cancer.

腹痛、消瘦、贫血、黑便症状基本得到控制。Abdominal pain , emaciation , anaemia and tarry stool were under control.

缺铁性贫血在英国及世界各地都极其普遍。Iron deficiency anaemia is extremely common both in the UK and worldwide.

在长期严重血尿的病例会发展失血性贫血。Some cases of severe and chronic haematuria may develop blood loss anaemia.

表明葡聚糖酐铁对仔猪贫血有良好的防治效果。All of above show that dextran iron can control piglets anaemia effectively.

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镰状细胞贫血是由血红蛋白异常引起的一种常见遗传病。Sickle-cell anaemia is a common genetic condition due to a haemoglobin disorder.

失血过多的贫血包括急性和慢性失血的贫血。Exsanguine and overmuch anaemia includes acute and chronic and exsanguine anemia.

人为什么会贫血?贫血有哪些症状?怎样治疗贫血?Factitious what is anaemic ? What symptom does anaemia have? How to treat anaemia?