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一般人们常把苦茶油。Generally people Chang Baku tea oil.

巴库是个有着特殊氛围的城市。Baku is a city with a special atmosphere.

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从巴库的任何一个地方都可以看到火焰大厦。The towers can be seen from any part of Baku.

所有的荣耀归于巴库的奉献者。All glories to the devotees of the Baku Yatra.

他是巴统和巴库工厂的组织者。He was an organizer in Batum and Baku factories.

这一切让巴库走到了聚光灯下。This has left Baku gearing up for the limelight.

巴库处于沙漠地带,政府对供水采取供给制。Baku is in the desert and the government rations the water.

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此外在巴库,腐败是许多交易的润滑剂。Moreover, corruption can add a premium to many transactions in Baku.

几年以来,巴库一直体验着不可思议的建筑狂潮。For several years Baku has been experiencing an incredible building boom.

苏联欧洲部分东南部一城市,位于库拉河边巴库西北偏西。A city of southeast European U. S. S. R. on the Kura River west-northwest of Baku.

戈尔什科夫号航母1978年开始建造,1991年他的名字被更改。The Admiral Gorshkov was built in 1978 as the Baku . Its name was changed in 1991.

三天走了差不多200英里,还有100英里就可以到首都巴库了。Nearly 200 miles covered in three days, just another 100 miles to the capital city, Baku.

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在亚塞拜然首都巴库外围的札伯拉特村附近,女孩在油田上的难民营里蹦跳。A girl jumps in a refugee camp on an Azeri oil field near the village of Zabrat outside Baku November 8, 2005.

当地和外来的精英们共处在巴库著名的法桐餐厅的室外露天酒吧里。Both the local and expatriate elite mingle on the outdoor patio lounge of the popular Chinar restaurant in Baku.

上午,施瑞•帕拉德、我和另外一位奉献者一起到巴库,想找个公园静静地念诵。Later this morning Sri Prahlada and I, with one other devotee, went into Baku to find a park to chant our rounds.

在亚塞拜然首府巴库的反抗大会上,男孩在镇暴警线前挥舞橘旗。An Azeri boy waves an orange flag in front of a riot police line during an opposition rally in Baku November 9, 2005.

在争办2016奥运会时,阿塞拜疆、里约热内卢以及布拉格将能和东京、马德里和卡塔尔的多哈这样的富国一起竞争。Baku in Azerbaijan, Rio de Janeiro and Prague are also bidding for the 2016 games alongside Tokyo, Madrid, and Doha in Qatar.

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由总统伊阿姆.阿利耶夫领导的政府常被人批评为强制性的政府,事实上巴库也没有自由媒体。The government, led by the president, Ilham Aliyev, is often criticized as repressive, and there is virtually no free press in Baku.

有大约75名美国驻巴库大使馆的工作人员和欧洲安全与合作组织的监督员一起担任投票观察员。About 75 U.S. embassy employees in Baku joined monitors from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe as poll observers.

虽然表面的财富并没有扩展到巴库之外,甚至连起巴库郊区都没有,普通阿塞拜疆人已经享受到收入增长的喜悦。Although the wealth on display in central Baku does not extend even to the city's suburbs, ordinary Azeris have enjoyed rising incomes.