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病灶与脐相连。Focus connected with umbilicus.

肚脐发红的情况在手术后逐渐消失。The redness of the umbilicus diminished gradually after the operation.

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大肠济华花的脐出去一下是不寻常的。Large intestines popping out of the umbilicus in Chihuahuas are uncommon.

由脐到耻骨之腹中线作腹部切开。A caudal ventral midline coeliotomy from umbilicus to pubis should be performed.

脐孔深、浅不同会影响皮肤准备效果。The effect of skin preparation were influenced by deep and shallow of umbilicus.

结论IUGR的发病与脐血甲状腺激素水平低下有关。Conclusion IUGR is related to the decreased level of umbilicus blood thyroxine hormone level.

目的探讨腹腔镜手术脐孔术前准备的合适方法。Objective To explore the suitable method of umbilicus preparation before the laparoscopy operation.

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邻居有半岁大小孩子,总是爱哭,结果肚脐从肚皮上跑出来了。A neighbor's child, who was six months old, always cried, then the umbilicus protruded from the abdomen.

连接到中心的是一个球形的能量,就像一个胎儿在羊水中,但是更多的能量。Attached to the umbilicus is a ball of energy, like a fetal body in a sack of water but more energy than form.

目的探讨腹腔镜胆囊切除术后脐孔感染的相关因素。OBJECTIVE To study the factors related with infection umbilicus after resection of gall bladder under laparoscopy.

在7例孩童中,都是由于肚脐有尿液或浓样液流出而求诊,诊断上无太大困难。All seven children presented with urine leakage or purulent discharge from the umbilicus. These were diagnosed without difficulty.

结论中药敷脐治疗术后便秘的效果明显优于服用泻药或灌肠的方法。Conclusion In the treatment of postoperative constipation, applying Chinese herbs on umbilicus is more effective than use of cathartic or clysis.

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目的探索“周氏脐刀”和“脐孔操作镜鞘气囊”做脐孔腔镜阑尾切除术以及其它腹部手术的微创优点。Objective To investigate the advantages of the peritoneoscopic appendectomy through the umbilicus with Zhou s umbilicus lancet and trocar balloon.

原发性肚脐子宫内膜异位被定义为在肚脐出现异位性之子宫内膜组织且病人并无之前子宫内膜异位之病史。Primary umbilical endometriosis is defined as presence of ectopic endometrial glands within umbilicus without prior history of pelvic endometriosis.

心脏性疼痛沿着自主神经纤维传到大脑皮层,其范围可自耳部延伸至脐部。Cardiac pain is transmitted to the cerebral cortex along autonomic nerve fibers and has a variable referral area that can extend from the ear to the umbilicus.

中药脐敷结合中药灌肠对难治性肝硬化腹水诱发氮质血症的患者疗效确切。The Chinese medicine paved on the umbilicus and enema has definite clinical therapeutics effect on the treatment of refractory cirrhosis ascites with azotemia.

慢性门脉高压可导致侧枝循环建立,可出现脐部和上腹部局部水母头样改变。Chronic portal hypertension may lead to development of collateral circulation , which is manifested as caput medusa in the region of the umbilicus and epigastrium.

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结论捏脊敷脐疗法治疗小儿惊吓症,疗效显著,优于口服琥珀抱龙胶囊。Conclusion There is significant therapeutic effects in chiropractic and apply drugs in umbilicus for children shock syndrome, which better than the Hupo Baolong Capsule.

接上由新鲜玉米脐提取的丙酮酸脱羧酶的传感器具有响应速度快、使用寿命较长且无需外加丙酮酸盐脱羧酶辅助因子。The biosensor based on fresh tender corn umbilicus pulp has a long usable lifetime and fast potentiometric response without additional cofactor of Pyruvate decarboxylase.