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那些粘粘的东西都是从哪里来的呢?Where did all that gunk come from?

黏稠的东西和机油一起流出来。Goop and gunk drains out with motor oil.

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检查油过滤器是否被粘性物质堵住。Check the oil filter to see if it is plugged up with gunk.

如果你不认真,你会在其中失去你自己。And if you're not careful, you can lose yourself in that gunk.

这对经常受顽固油腻物积累影响的车窗特别有用。This is especially useful for car windows which can get tough buildups of gunk.

关上料斗闸板,用手动状态将筒内的全部塑料对空射完。Close the gunk flashboard and shot out all the plastics in the barrel under manual condition.

突然间这块蚁穴中曾经的废物变成了一个“待解决的问题”。All of a sudden what was once a pile of gunk on the colony floor becomes a "Problem to Be Solved."

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其他研究人员还集中在混合苯酚和甲醛,但只弄得粘粘糊湖的一摊烂泥。Other researchers also focused on mixing phenol and formaldehyde, which turned into a sticky mess of gunk.

我们接着就能推测在鲨鱼每天的活动中会在盆骨上堆积许多脏东西。We can then speculate that a lot of gunk collects on shark pelvises as they go about their daily business.

而且,还给我了好几管搽皮肤用的白色药泥,促使我像走形了的在制石膏工程。Also, I'm given several tubes of white gunk to smear on my skin so that I resemble a spackling project gone bad.

检查油过滤器是否被粘性物质堵住。一个被堵住的过滤器也能引起油压不足。Check the oil filter to see if it is plugged up with gunk. A clogged oil filter can also result in low oil pressure.

这是秋天了,当颜色从绿变蓝再变成金黄色的时候---而那只是你游泳池里的泥。It's fall, that time when the colors change form green to red to gold -- and that's just the gunk in your swimming pool.

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之后擦掉叶子表面的泥状物质,你的植物就会看上去非常光亮。Wipe the soft fleshy skin all over the green leaf surface to remove the gunk. You’ll be left with shiny and healthy-looking plants.

学术研究人员和药品制造商已经在探寻清除与阿尔茨海默氏症相关的脑部黏性物质的抗体的使用。Researchers in academia and in the drug industry have been exploring the use of antibodies to clear the brain of gunk associated with Alzheimer's.

或者像我一样,你可以后退或者前进,抑或是刮去那堆堆积物,通过呈现更多使你自己变得更加容易接近。Or, like me, you can go back and forth, alternatively scraping off the accumulated gunk and making yourself more accessible by taking on more of it.

今年晚些时候,如果你看到天上的星星不那么明亮,天空不那么清晰,一部分的原因就是过去几天从戈壁沙漠吹到地球大气层的沙尘。If the stars seem a little less bright and the skies less clear later this year, then part of the reason will be the Gobi gunk that has been blown into the Earth's atmosphere over the past few days.