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栎树形成一条林荫拱道。Venerable oaks forms a sylvan archway.

古老的栎树形成一条林荫拱道。Venerable oaks forms a sylvan archway.

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直到2002年,它才第一次引起西尔文学习集团的关注。It was't until 2002, that it first became a concern for Sylvan.

但并非所有家长都能负担得起像sylvan中心开出的小时费率。But not all parents can afford the hourly rates at centers like Sylvan.

一帮邪恶的施法者想要把善良的森林生物从一处森林赶走。A gang of evil spell casters attempts to drive good sylvan creatures from a forest.

总体来说,只有狂怒恶魔这种最弱的恶魔后代,才会成为野树精。Generally, only demons of rage, the weakest of the demon hierarchy, will become a sylvan.

卡莱尔表示教学方法是让学生用他们的特长去相互帮助。Claire Sylvan says the teaching approach is to have students use their different strengths to help each other.

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你也要计划为此修建一个精灵木材厂并雇佣木材制作工匠使它运作。You will also be provided with plans to construct an Elven Lumber Mill and the sylvan craftsman to operate it.

在我们最喜欢的五个自由区之中,能碰到这样弥足珍贵的壮丽场面,我们还能再要求什么呢?Here was a scene of rare sylvan splendor, in one of our five favorite bor­oughs, and we couldn't have asked for more.

但是,所有这些古老的森林,虽然从山坡上可以看见,但是却已经超越这片产业的边界了。All this sylvan antiquity, however, though visible from the Slopes, was outside the immediate boundaries of the estate.

他是一名肌肤乌黑的黑暗精灵,是那些在地面森林中,耀眼星光下舞蹈的精灵们的远亲。He was a dark elf, a drow , an ebon-skinned cousin of those sylvan folk who danced under the stars on the world's surface.

的确是惊人的森林之景观,但最后你纳闷为什么的主要人物,看到没有允许主宰孤独了一整天了。The sylvan landscape is indeed amazing, but you eventually wonder why the main character sees nobody and is allowed to roam alone all day.

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在南达科他州考斯德州立公园的森林之湖,岸边露头的古老花岗岩,反射在静止的水面上,此时一垂钓孤翁等鱼咬饵。Ancient granite outcrops reflect in the still water of Sylvan Lake in South Dakota's Custer State Park as a lone fisherman awaits a nibble.

由于性情羞怯,天生不爱交际,他们尽可能住在斯库特克利夫僻静的乡间。Being shy and retiring persons, with no natural inclination for their part, they lived as much as possible in the solitude sylvan of Skuytercliff.

直到2002年,它才第一次引起西尔文学习集团的关注。由于多媒体语言学校市场的崩溃,几个WSI教学中心因此关闭。It was't until 2002, that it first became a concern for Sylvan . Severl WSI centers closed due to the collapse of the multimedia language school market.

若森林法皇被从场上放至任何坟墓场,则将森林法皇移出游戏,然后将你坟墓场中的一张生物牌移回手上。If Sylvan Hierophant is put into any graveyard from play, remove Sylvan Hierophant from the game, then return a creature card from your graveyard to your hand.

如果你有想“泰非力的法术力方块”或“嚎叫的矿井”之类的牌在场上,你会发现普通的抓牌会在这些牌的异能进入堆叠前结算。If you have cards such as Teferi's Puzzle Box, Sylvan Library or Howling Mine in play, you'll get to see what your normal card draw is before you put them on the stack.

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一旦它们占据宿主之后,它们必须花很长的时间扭曲并制造形状从而使宿主能够进行移动,成功以后,野树精将会变成一个强大并且致命的敌人。Once they do, they must spend a great deal of time twisting and molding the host in order to make it mobile, and once they have the sylvan is a powerful and deadly opponent.

从马托格罗索州南部的一个整齐的产牛小镇波科内的边缘开始,这条145公里长的轨道上点缀着125座不安全的木桥,每个拐弯处都有一个西尔万剧场。Starting at the edge of Pocone, a tidy cattle town in southern Mato Grosso, this 145-kilometer track is punctuated by 125 precarious wooden bridges, with sylvan theater at every bend.

这名年仅20岁的边翼在比赛中攻入了一粒决定比赛的致胜球,并在比赛中与上赛季开战前永久性加盟朴莱茅夫的前曼联中锋布莱克进行多次漂亮配合。The 20-year-old scored the decisive goal and instantly rediscovered his understanding with former United teammate Sylvan Ebanks-Blake, who moved down south at the start of last season.