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写下它并且强调它。Write this down and underline it.

请在重要事项的下面划线。Please underline the important items.

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我看了看“爱你”这个词,然后在下面画了条线。I look at the word Love and then I underline it.

下划线表示指定的文件存在。The underline is a hint that the named file exists.

霆锋用手指轻敲着桌面以强调此点。Tse raps his finger on the table to underline each point.

在课文中所有表示过去发生的动作的动词下面划上横线。Underline the verbs in the passage that tell us what happened.

他作品中的连续性和视觉重现强调了这个方向。Seriality and visual repetition in his work underline this aspect.

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记住在这一页上的所有动词下面划线。Make sure that you underline every verb throughout the entire page.

粗体、斜体、下划线以及它们的混合。Bold, italic, underline and mixes. Teletype, replaceable, strikeout.

这里我只想强调他的观点并补充两点意见。I would simply underline his points here and make only two comments.

监狱工作人员罢工一事,突出地表明我们监狱制度必须改革。Strikes by prison offers underline the need for reform in our gaols.

在下面的示例中,为相同的文本使用了下划线和上划线文本修饰。Use both an underline and overline text decoration for the same text.

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胸腔底部呈优美的曲线,向身躯后方适度上提。The underline of the rib cage curves gradually into a moderate tuck-up.

再读一遍,找出各项活动,并将所有动词的过去式用下划线划出来。Read again, find out the activities, underline all the past tense verbs.

把你想在文章中引用的重要论点和叙述画出来。Underline important points and statements you want to quote in your paper.

我倾向于给写在亚麻布上的大纲中的这些学科划下画线.I’m inclined to underline these disciplines in the outline written on linen.

用横线划出下列句子中的不定式,并说出它们的作用。Underline the infinitives in the following sentences and tell their functions.

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如果你正在阅读,在内文中的生字下划线,不过先不要查它的意思。If you're reading, underline the new words in your text, but don't look them up yet.

把这句话中的虚拟语气划出来,并解释为什么这里要用它。Please underline the subjunctive mood in the sentence and explain why it's used here.

因为不能消除下划线,我不能继续制作图片菜单。I’m not turning the darned menus into images just because I can’t remove the underline.