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逆时针转动手轮关闭箱门。Anticlockwise turn the handwheeltoclose the door.

逆时针转动旋钮可以开启切割机。The cutters are opened by turning the knob anticlockwise.

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从驱动端往下看泵为逆时针方向旋转。The pump rotates anticlockwise viewed from the top of motor.

而中微子是唯一似乎只会逆时针旋转的微粒子。Neutrinos are the only particles that seem to just spin anticlockwise.

告诉我你看到的这个美女是顺时针转的还是逆时针转的?Tell me what you see. Whether the girl is turning clockwise or anticlockwise?

面对卫星,顺时针极化是正面,阴性反时针。Facing the satellite, clockwise polarisation is positive, negative is anticlockwise.

更新世,吕宋弧逆时针转动和弧陆碰撞阶段。Stage 3, early Pleistocene, anticlockwise rotation of Luzon arc and continent-arc collision.

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并且由右手定律我们知道,按惯例,它们是在逆时针自旋。And, according to the right-hand rule, they would be spinning, by our convention, anticlockwise.

基因密码决定了它们的排列是稍稍向顺时针方向还是向逆时针方向扭曲。The genetic code decides whether they sit with a slight twist towards clockwise or anticlockwise.

Come-bye“告诉狗儿做顺时针运动,而”Away“则是绕着羊群逆时针跑。"Come-bye" tells the dog to move clockwise whilst "Away" means move anticlockwise around the sheep.

有些种类的蜗牛有着从里到外逆时针的螺壳,不过这少见的多。Some species of snail have shells that spiral out in an anticlockwise direction, but it is much rarer.

正频率是用逆时针旋转来产生,而负频率是用顺时针旋转来产生。Positive frequencies are produced by anticlockwise rotation and negative frequencies by clockwise rotation.

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当分子从一边或另一边撞击液滴时,两液滴组成的小旋转器就顺时针或逆时针转动。This minuscule rotor wiggled clockwise or anticlockwise as molecules bumped into it from one side or the other.

电场使旋转器产生了扭矩,这个系统就更易顺时针转动。An electrical field was then used to apply torque to the rotor, making it harder for the system to spin anticlockwise than clockwise.

当需要ATP供能下,三个测试单元通过其封闭和开放逆时针方向的构象州而移动。When fuelled with ATP, the three beta subunits move through their closed and open conformational states in an anticlockwise direction.

对普通台钻手柄进行了改进,增设了一套电动机正反转控制装置。It discussed the method to put up a set part on general drill-press which controls the turning clockwise and anticlockwise of the motor.

瓦房店地区从西部沿海经中部到东部内陆优势风向呈近似逆时针方向的转动。The dominant wind direction rotates anticlockwise from the western coast land to the middle to the eastern island area in Wafangdian region.

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然而,有一种叫做“静水椎实螺”的田螺,它是同时拥有顺时针和逆时针螺壳的典型代表。However there is one species of pond snail, Lymnaea stagnalis, which demonstrates examples of both clockwise or anticlockwise spiralling shells.

YH系列高转差率三相异步电动机适用于传动飞轮转矩较大和不均匀冲击负载以及反转次数较多的设备。Widely used for driving various kinds of machine tools with greater flywheel torque. ?unequal hammering load and many times of anticlockwise running.

同时指出可以通过判断矢量多边形面积的正负值将多边形的顶点按照顺时针或逆时针方向排序。At the same time the author points out that the polygon vertexes can be sorted clockwise or anticlockwise by judging the sign of the vector polygon area.