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这是我们的报价单。Here is our quotation.

你的报价是多少?What’s your quotation?

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此处引文从略。The quotation is omitted here.

是否语出圣经?Is that quotation in the Bible?

这是我们的最低报价。This is our bed-rock quotation.

免费手机维修咨询!Free Quotation for Mobile Repair!

这里我要引用一个观点I actually have a quotation here.

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你觉得我方报价怎么样?What do you think of our quotation?

“这段引文非常有趣,”西王母说。"The quotation is funny, " she said.

每一章的开头都有一条引语。Each chapter begins with a quotation.

你觉得我方报价怎么样?How do you think about our quotation?

你用一句绝妙的引文很恰当地开始。You fitly begin with an elegant quotation.

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随函奉送详细报价单。We enclose herewith our detailed quotation.

我想还是你方先报价吧。I think you'd better make a quotation first.

这本书一开头引用了歌德的隽语。The book began with a quotation from Goethe.

做出来了。这事我们的到岸价报价表。请您仔细过目。Yes, we have. Here's our CIF quotation sheet.

必须使用单引号确定每个别名的界限。Single quotation marks must delimit each alias.

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所以引号代笔了人类的声音。So all the quotation marks suggest human voice.

他没有说这是耶稣说的话。Now,he doesn't say this is a quotation of Jesus.

我会把报价单以邮件的方式给您发过去的!We will send our quotation list to you by email.