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她的外套是用羊毛编织成的。Her coat was woven from wool.

这个故事是那个小男孩编出来的。The story is woven by that boy.

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尼龙,涤纶化纤梭织面料。Nylon and polyester woven fabrics.

织在心里的情话你听见了吗?Woven in the heart words you hear?

该纤维可被编织成布。The fiber may be woven into a cloth.

那顶帽子是由花茎纺织的。The hat is woven with flower stalks.

如何为了我们编织网。How to order woven wire mesh from us.

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“织围脖”即“写微博”。"woven bib " or "write microblogging.

玉米杆儿被编成了一只筏子。The corn stalks are woven into a raft.

这块布上织有线条清晰的图形。The cloth had bold figures woven into it.

织在底部门襟粉红鲸鱼标签。Woven pink Whale label at bottom placket.

这种线圈结构让针织布比梭织布更有弹性。None of these fabrics is woven or knitted.

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模拟布或其他的编织材质。Simulates fabric or other woven materials.

真金线可以被织入丝绸中。Thread of real gold can be woven into silk.

这些篮子是用柳条编的。The baskets are woven from strips of willow.

是的,我要叫他们马上织出这样的布来!This stuff must be woven for me immediately.

和望着儿女们的笑交织着。And looking at their children laugh was woven.

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编织绳启发兰特添加好看。Woven rope-inspired rand for added good looks.

从这根线中,棉花被织进布。From the thread , the cotton is woven into cloth.

再细的线条也编织不出梦幻的景象。No dreamscape could be woven of slenderer thread.