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不过该公司的另外一部手绘维尼熊动画片也在前期制作中。But the company also has in preproduction a hand-drawn Winnie the Pooh feature.

生产前环境应该与生产系统尽可能密切地匹配。The preproduction environment should match the production systems as closely as possible.

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第一批的3个AESA雷达的原型分别装备在“猎鹰”,“幻影2000”和“阵风”上。A preproduction batch of three AESA radars have flown on the Falcon, Mirage 2000 and Rafale.

在电影开拍前的策划阶段,他与德里克·汤普森共同绘制了分镜串连图板。He, along with Derek Thompson, helped to develop the sequence in preproduction through storyboards.

该进程所识别的需求可以是预生产测试场景的基础。Requirements identified with this process will be the base for the scenarios of the preproduction Test.

在将更改投入生产应用之前,始终考虑使用专用的生产前环境来测试更改。Always consider using a dedicated preproduction environment to test changes before going live with them.

在生产系统中,转储应该在最匹配的机器上处理,比如预生产测试系统。In that case, the dump should be processed on the closest matching system, such as a preproduction test system.

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在这种情况下,转储文件应该在最近的符合要求的系统上进行处理,如生产前的测试系统。In this case, the dump should be processed on the closest matching system, such as a preproduction test system.

因此,在生产测试期间,要重新检查在生产前做出的安全性改进。Therefore, during production testing, you recheck the improvements to security that were made in preproduction.

生产前测试是允许对任何新的应用程序或硬件解决方案进行任何外部访问之前的最后步骤。Preproduction testing is the final step before any new application or hardware solution is allowed any outside access.

完成生产前测试并将应用程序转移到生产服务器并不表示测试的结束。Completing preproduction testing and moving the application to the production servers doesn't signal an end to testing.

考虑使用加载有生产服务器备份的虚拟服务器来创建生产前环境。Consider using virtual servers loaded with a backup of your production servers to create your preproduction environment.

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技术员有责任确保产前样在大货生产前已被客户及公司内部确认。The technician is responsible to ensure the preproduction sample is approved both internally and by the customer prior to production.

诸如防火墙配置、服务器修补程序和反病毒更新等次要更改都会影响生产前的安全性。Minor changes such as firewall configuration, server patches, and anti-virus updates can play a factor in security from preproduction.

这些影响基本上都无法完全消除或解决,且难以在预生成环境中准确模拟。These influences are virtually impossible to eliminate completely or account for and accurately emulate in a preproduction environment.

这些文档是从这个衍生出采购,工艺及测试等其他活动的生产前阶段所制定的数据。It is from data established during this preproduction phase that all other activities derive such as, purchasing, processing, and testing.

它当时是被当作正真的蝙蝠战衣拿给克里斯蒂安·贝尔的,但他立刻明白这是一个玩笑,因为他已经在预制的时候看过一些设计图了。It was presented to Christian Bale as the real bat suit, but he knew instantly it was a joke, having seen a few design pictures during preproduction.

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虽然在前期制作时被标注为“绝地运兵船”,但共和国突击舰的概念草图显然在暗示未来的银河政府。The conceptual sketches of the Republic assault ships, dubbed in preproduction the "Jedi troop transport, " cleary indicate the future of galactic government.

剧本中把奎尔上空的战斗放在太空里,但是在前期制作时被挪到了大气层中以产生更戏剧性的效果。The script described the battle over Quell as happening in space, but it was moved to the upper atmosphere for dramatic effect as the show entered preproduction.

生产前环境和生产环境之间通常存在微妙的区别——例如,硬件、操作系统配置和防火墙设置。There are often subtle differences between preproduction and production environments—for example, hardware, operating system configuration, and firewall settings.