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人人都能当厨师!Anyone Can Cook!

任何人都可以做到。Anyone could do it.

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任何人?谁想做这笔交易?Anyone? Any takers?

它可以属于任何人。It could be anyone.

楼座上的呢?Anyone in the balcony?

有人来找过我吗?Did anyone ask for me?

任何人都可能是佛。Anyone can be a Buddha.

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有吓到你们吗?Does this shock anyone?

任何人都可以做为一个奉献者。Anyone can be a servant.

每个人都能来耶鲁就读吗?Can anyone get into Yale?

有谁能与佩里克匹敌?Has anyone matched Perec?

任何人都可以构建服务。Anyone can build a ervice.

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还有人认为是29吗?Anyone else think it's 29?

但是胡没有问任何人。But Hu did not ask anyone.

你有个绉巴巴的胸吗?Crape Paper Chest, Anyone?

有人敢猜一下吗Can anyone venture a guess?

有谁约请那团体了吗?Did anyone invite that guy?

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他从不嗤笑任何人。She never sneers at anyone.

谁能给我个理由?Can anyone give me a reason?

有人明白这是什么意思吗Does anyone know what it is?