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它们看起来很引人注意,但从审美和句法角度来讲却是马马虎虎。Grammatically and aesthetically it can look sloppy.

陈军的这张“柳下吟荷”很是唯美。"Lotus Song Under Willow" by Chen Jun is aesthetically beautiful.

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我们希望有一个网站是Plaxo的喜欢,但更美观。We want a site which is Plaxo like, but more aesthetically pleasing.

你知道有些东西和别的东西就美学而言是不搭调的。You know certain things doesn'tgo uh with other things aesthetically.

深入分析我们对于各种美学元素的情感反应。Dig deeper into how we react emotionally to aesthetically diverse elements.

我真的喜欢它的斜面,而且对其形式美学很是喜爱。I really like the bezel and I'm super happy with the form factor aesthetically.

此外,在我看来,已灭绝的头足类动物在审美上比古人类头骨还要更吸引人。Plus, extinct cephalopods are more aesthetically appealing than hominin skulls.

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其中单纯的手绘线条在AE中处理过后,变得更具美观性。The hand-drawn contours become more aesthetically pleasing after AE processing.

这是下面的信息视图尝试回答的问题。That is the question this aesthetically pleasing infographic attempts to answer.

无障碍网页缺少审美上的乐趣,限制了我们的设计选择。Accessible sites are less aesthetically pleasing and they limit our design options.

每一层在技术和美学方面都采用了一种特殊的可持续系统。Each level works technological and aesthetically with a specific sustainable system.

尺八可以相当审美地,娱悦你的视觉、触觉、嗅觉、尤其是听觉。The shakuhachi is aesthetically pleasing to sight, touch, smell, and especially hearing.

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中义控制字元宽度和空白距离,使视觉上有舒适的美感。Manipulating type character widths and white space to achieve aesthetically pleasing results.

我想让这个突击队员的头盔,很象维德的头盔,从而在审美上,把这两者联系在一起。I wanted the stormtrooper helmet to resemble Vader’s helmet to tie the two together aesthetically.

一个人所拥有的用来经历痛苦的品味及敏感度显示出这个人是美学代表的一员。The taste and sensitivity to experience pathos shows that one is a member of the aesthetically elect.

将你的作品和其他摄影师的作品在技术上和美学上进行比较。Evaluate and compare your work both technically and aesthetically against those of other photographers.

使用互补色是美观的艺术设计和平面设计的重要手段。The use of complementary colors is an important aspect of aesthetically pleasing art and graphic design.

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像其他的技能一样,能让沟通清楚、简洁和美观的能力也会下降,如果你练习的话。Like any skill, the ability to communicate clearly, concisely and aesthetically degrades without practice.

在设计中,对称创造了平衡,平衡了创造和谐、秩序和审美。Symmetry creates balance, and balance in design creates harmony, order, and aesthetically pleasing results.

这给了我很大的空间可以选择用哪种电影语言来讲故事,包括画面和音乐也是如此。And this opens up a huge range of storytelling options, even aesthetically and musically, for film language.