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一个发亮的湿湿的鼻子!One shiny wet nose!

金光闪闪的长金链!A big, shiny gold chain!

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他那红扑扑的两颊亮光光的。His red cheeks were shiny.

这辆车既光亮又大。This car is shiny and big.

擦干净…恩真漂亮,像新的一样。Spiff it up, shiny and new!

为什么是金子就会闪光?Gold is shiny , Why is that?

我不喜欢看上去有光泽的材料。I don't like the shiny look.

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我看见一条闪金光的小鱼看着我。I see a shiny fish looking at me.

闪亮的新操作系统并不惹人喜爱Shiny New OSes Don't Generate Love

闪亮金音详细的硬件。Shiny gold-tone detailed hardware.

是代表单轮脚踏车很发光和新。U is for unicycle so shiny and new.

一个闪耀的世纪的黄金时代在接近。A shiny new era is tiptoeing nearer.

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哈哈,这闪闪发亮的铜台灯是怎么回事?Ah ha! What is this shiny brass lamp?

好的豆子应该又滑又亮。Good beans should be smooth and shiny.

你觉得光面显示屏怎么样?What do you think of the shiny screen?

身上披着银蓝色光泽的短被毛!He wears a shiny silver-blue short hair!

光遇到发亮的表面会反射回来。Light will rebound from a shiny surface.

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为什么我满头银发?Why does my hair glisten a shiny silver?

并且以蜂蜜和小亮鱼为餐。And dine upon honey and small shiny fish.

他脸色蜡黄,汗珠津津。His face was sallow and shiny with sweat.