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这家物流公司先前计划要削减489个工作岗位。FM Logistic is planning to cut 489 jobs.

世卫组织提供了技术和后勤支助。WHO provided technical and logistic support.

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⑴线性表的逻辑结构。The logistic structure that ⑴ linear expresses.

解放J6正推动中国物流产业走向世界前台。Jiefang J6 is pushing China logistic industry to the world.

使用条件逻辑回归对数据进行分析。The data were analysed using conditional logistic regression.

后勤部队必须及时输送所需物资。The logistic arm must seam lessly deliver material as needed.

有些纯属逻辑上的障碍,也不利于人们读报。There are purely logistic discouragements to newspaper reading.

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处理物流和关务等方面问题,确保问题及时解决。Deal with all logistic and custom affairs and resole issue in time.

后勤部队必须及时将物资输送到作战部队。The logistic arm must deliver material to the combat forces int ime.

使用逻辑回归模型计算调整优势比。Logistic regression models were used to compute adjusted odds ratios.

使用逻辑回归调整了混杂变量分析。Analyses were adjusted for confounding variables using logistic regression.

学生能瞭解并应用逻吉斯迴归分析。Students are able to understand and apply the logistic regression analysis.

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四是对高校后勤资源配置方式的路线和选择进行构画。Fourthly, a framework of configuration mode for logistic resources is supplied.

现拥有7座矿山、12家工厂、3家物流公司、20家下属公司。It owns 7 quarries, 12 factories, 3 logistic companies and 20 affiliate companies.

物流策略提供,项目运送,仓储配销解决方案。Logistic solutions, Project Cargo handling, Warehouse and Distribution strategies.

我们使用逻辑回归确定与抗生素滥用相关的因素。Logistic regression was used to identify factors associated with antibiotic misuse.

因此在采用2级评分模型时双参数模型是最好的。Therefore, the two-parameter logistic model was the best for 2-point scoring model.

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我国高校后勤社会化的改革,催生了高校后勤实体。Reform of college logistic socialization has brought about college logistic entities.

利用χ2试验和逻辑回归模型来评估学生的行为。Student behaviours were assessed by means of χ2 tests and logistic regression models.

而在多个合作伙伴中处理模式更新可能是极为耗时的。Handling updated schemas within multiple trading partners can be a logistic nightmare.