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我冲他点点头,嗯不错。I hurtle he order, H'm quite good.

然后转身冲入雨中。Then turn round to hurtle into rain.

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摩托车和卡车在村路上轰鸣而过。Motorbikes and trucks hurtle along the roads.

这个试验是为剩下的那些急着赶圣诞节的人准备的。The experiment is for the rest of us who hurtle towards Christmas.

立刻起身冲进善柔的房间里面。"Recluse in Taoyuan" immediately starts to hurtle into gentle room.

问题三、将热点新闻报道等同于“一哄而上”。Problem 3, confuse hot point news report with a group of people hurtle together.

我们希望在你穿越宇宙时,能够享受这个星球上众多的美好生物。We hope you enjoy the many wonderful features of this planet as you hurtle throught cosmos.

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是否如地球大机构随身携带自己的乙醚,因为他们通过空间赫特尔?Do large bodies such as the Earth carry with them their own ether as they hurtle through space?

来一次越岛徒步或者驾车旅行,或者骑着自行车在丛林山谷中急速飞驰。Go on a cross-island hike or 4wd ride, or perhaps hop on a quad bike and hurtle through lush valleys.

狄青骑着他的法拉利,一马当先,带着面具冲到了战场上。The Di is green to ride his Ferrari, take the guide, take a disguise to hurtle to in the battlefield.

辽阔的海疆飞驶英雄的战艇,西部边陲又腾起冲天的火箭。The broad sea Jiang flies fast heroic war boat, western backland again Teng rise hurtle the rocket in sky.

斗鸡眼眼中兴奋的神色更浓,在几米外冲着柳风摆着手。The air of excitement is thicker, hurtle Liu Feng to put to begin outside several rices in the cross-eye eyes.

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说着,弄墨冲进房里,不一会出来,肩上停了两只小红鸟。Say, make Mo to hurtle into building, alter ambition come out, stopped 2 small and ruddy birds aboard the elbow.

因而现代液压教学不只是单纯教授学生理论知识,更应加强学生实际动手能力的锻炼。So up-to-date hydraulic teaching is not only to teach the students theory, but also to train their hurtle ability.

立刻,一股浓烈的熏香气息冲入我的鼻孔,让我几乎闭过气去。Immediately, one is strong of the smoked aroma interest hurtle into my nostril and let me almost once shut spirit to go.

众所周知,白鲤听到汽艇马达的声音会高高地跳出水面,高速奔驰的汽艇上的人不幸撞到它们会皮开肉绽骨头断。Silver carp are known to hurtle from the water at the sound of passing motors and slam into boaters with bone-breaking force.

躺在一个双层透明的充气大球里,从山坡上畅快地滚下来,既刺激,又安全。The Agrodome's course was the first in the world for the inflatable double-skinned transparent globes in which riders hurtle downhill.

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我不敢再耽误,大吼了一声,手里的霰弹枪也冲着那个东西开始了轰击!I don't dare to hold up again and roared loud a , the snow pellets in the hand plays a gun to also hurtle that thing to start bombarding!

“姐姐!姐姐!”紫嫣瞥眼瞧见我的脸色不对,冲上来一把扶住我,让我慢慢地坐下。"Elder sister! Elder sister! "Purple eye of Yan Pie sees my facial statement not to, hurtle to come up a hand me, let me slowly sit down.

知道十万火急,松也不再多言,转身便运起轻功,飞快向前冲去。Know 100,000 hastiness, loosen to likewise no longer speak more, turn round then luck ascend light finishing, hurtle quickly and amenable.