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你可以把我看作是党外布尔什维克吧。You can call me a non-party Bolshevik.

布尔什维克统治的俄罗斯不需要布尔加科夫这样的思想家。Bolshevik Russia had no need for reflective thinkers like Bulgakov.

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在这种情形下,“斗争的布尔什维克党”的建设,真是难得很。In these circumstances it is very hard indeed to build a "militant Bolshevik Party".

他作为布尔什维克的革命者,其实就是他银行抢劫犯,不懈努力的向专业化发展。His record as a Bolshevik revolutionary amounted to a prolonged tenure as a bank robber.

布尔什维克在1917年的成功,标志着马克思主义的历史和含义的根本性改变。The Bolshevik success in 1917 marked a sea-change in the history and meaning of Marxism.

它制服了无产阶级先锋队,践踏了马克思主义,污辱了布尔什维克党。It cowed the revolutionary vanguard, trampled upon Marxism, prostituted the Bolshevik party.

那种神秘力量是什么,竟能取代布尔什维克领袖的计划?What is this other mysterious force which supersedes even the plans of the Bolshevik leaders?

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小说叙述了主人公保尔·柯察金的一生,塑造了一个生命不息、奋斗不止的布尔什维克形象。It tells the story of a hero Pavel Korchagin's life, shaping a cease, struggle more than the Bolshevik image.

1917年的布尔什维克革命是历史上男女平等的一次最剧烈的变革运动。The Bolshevik revolution of 1917 represents one of the most drastic shifts toward gender equality in history.

这里是1905年“血腥星期天”和1917年布尔什维克攻入宫殿的现场。Petersburg's Palace Square, the scene of the 1905 Bloody Sunday and the 1917 Bolshevik storming of the palace.

列宁虽较为年长,但布尔什维克的奇袭队都由年轻人组成,纳粹突击队同样如此。Although Lenin was older, the Bolshevik shock troops were made up of young men, as were the Nazi storm troopers.

第二章考察从十月革命前后至1921年高尔基出国这段时期中高尔基与布尔什维克的关系。Chapter Two narrates the relation between Gorky and Bolshevik from around the October Revolution to 1921 's exile.

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布尔什维克党在实际行动上显示了高度的革命胆略和政治现实主义的结合。The Bolshevik party has shown in action a combination of the highest revolutionary audacity and political realism.

在布尔什维克革命前,它曾是列宁和他的追随者经常会面的地方。It was a frequent meeting place for Lenin and his followers prior to the Bolshevik Revolution. Population, 208,000.

中国人沉溺于激进的债券发行和货币印刷,希腊就是这么没落的。The Chinese are addicted to Bolshevik bond issued currency printing, which is what sunk and is sinking Greece. Case in point.

他引用了1919年诺贝尔奖获得者托马斯曼写的---布尔什维克革命等于俄罗斯犹太人进行的革命。He quotes Nobel prize-winning novelist Thomas Mann who wrote in 1919 that he equated the Bolshevik revolution in Russia with the Jews.

一方面,他本人对俄国发展有着极大的兴趣,并赞同1905年革命中布尔什维克的基本观点。On the one hand, he himself took great interest in Russian developments, and endorsed the basic Bolshevik view of the 1905 revolution.

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既然现在帝国最终已经带来了和平,人们认为他们能在布尔什维克的新政府下开始新的生活。Now that peace had finally been brought to the empire, people thought that they could begin their lives anew under the Bolshevik government.

以我布尔什维克的灵魂起誓,我从未与敌人勾结,我总是站在党的一侧与人民的敌人战斗到底。I never con- sorted with enemies but Ialways have battled along with the party against enemies of the people with my whole Bolshevik soul.

在1917年的布尔什维克革命和1919年的中国五四运动的双重影响下,马克思主义第一次真正在中国赢得了一席之地。Marxism gained its first substantial appeal in China under the twin impact of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution and China's May Fourth Movement of 1919.