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这国王的权杖有一头是装了一把雨伞的。It is a sceptre ending in an umbrella.

我们的旗帜就是王笏,谁碰到都得服从。Our flag the sceptre all who meet obey.

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友田马上联系了圭太,让他到机场找回绘恋。Friends contact sceptre too, let him to the airport to find love.

傅满洲寻求成吉思汗的权杖,所以他能统治亚洲。Fu Manchu seeks the sceptre of Ghenghis Khan so he can rule Asia.

耶和华折断了恶人的杖,辖制人的圭The LORD hath broken the staff of the wicked, and the sceptre of the rulers.

陈列在格兰纳达某家博物馆中的伊莎贝拉白一世的皇冠和节杖。The crown and sceptre of Queen Isabella I, on display at a museum in Granada.

国王一手拿着王冠,一手执着王节,走下塔来。And he came down holding his crown with one hand and his sceptre with the other.

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它一手擎着碧玉权杖,一手握着浑圆的水晶。In one hand it held a crooked sceptre of jade, and in the other a round crystal.

她的确是皇后嘛,有皇冠,权利,坐在那张大而漂亮的椅子上。Well, she is the queen she's got a crown and sceptre and sits in her fancy chair.

赫拉是描述戴头饰冠,并拥有皇室在她手中的权杖和的杯子。Hera is depicted wearing a tiara-crown and holds a royal sceptre and cup in her hands.

但是现在我会比从前决定的更早把王权交给他,这是明智的选择。But sooner now than I had resolved it will be the course of wisdom to resign the Sceptre to him.

顾虑好像一个面对权杖而没有胳膊的残废人,一个面对着结婚幸福的阉人。Concerns like a cripple, facing the sceptre without arm a facing the married happiness of eunuchs.

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王向以斯帖伸出金杖,以斯帖就起来,站在王前。Then the king held out the golden sceptre toward Esther. So Esther arose, and stood before the king

祂并非空自坐在宝座上,或是持节而不理政事。He does not sit down upon the throne in empty state, or hold a sceptre without wielding it in government.

梅斯·提利尔会兴高采烈地抓住权杖,但是我的亲人们可不会站在一边乖乖给他。Mace Tyrell would grasp the sceptre gladly, but mine own kin are not like to step aside and give it to him.

他手中之仗不再是一根苇子,其中之光辉超越以金制成的令牌之光芒。It is true that he bears not now the sceptre of reed, but there was a glory in it that never flashed from sceptre of gold.

量一量我们的版图,看一看我们的家乡,这全是我们的帝国,它的权力到处通行,我们的旗帜就是王笏,谁碰到都得服从。Survey our empire, and behold our home! These are our realms, no limits to their sway- Our flag the sceptre all who meet obey.

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所以,让我走吧,我必须再次到处去寻找我的妈妈,我不能在这耽搁,尽管你们给我王冠和权杖。Therefore, let me go, for I must wander again over the world, and may not tarry here, though ye bring me the crown and the sceptre.

七个持有节杖的会毁灭,他们中的其中一位会被封为圣人。母亲的信仰会公开起来,婴儿会过早地出生。Seven who hold the sceptre shall perish, one of them being canonised. The bellies of mothers shall be cut open, and babies will be born prematurely.

当天,我就来到了此人隐居的森林,见他正坐在柏树下,手持一截芦管,仿佛握着极杖一样。On that very day I went to the forest where he dwells. And I found him sitting under a white cypress, and in his hand a reed as if it were a sceptre.