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如有任何争议,标奥保留最终决定权。In case of any dispute, the decision of BRIO is final.

如有任何争议,标奥保留最终之决定权。In case of any disputes, the decision of BRIO is final.

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这些都是环保与活泼和权力的。These are all environmentally friendly with plenty of brio and power.

作为朋友和顾问,我与柏瑞安合作有5年多时间了。I have worked with Brio as a friend and consultant for over 5 years now.

标奥保留修改本条款及细则的权利,而毋须作出预先通知。BRIO reserves the right to modify this Terms and Conditions without any prior notice.

衷心祝愿柏瑞安成立十周年,十年来柏瑞安人兢兢业业为我们行业的客户提供服务。We congratulate Brio on ten great years of serving the needs of businesses like ours.

本公司已阅读、清楚明白及同意接受「标奥服务」之所有条款及细则。We have read, understood and hereby agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of Brio Services.

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你穿着它的同时,它也在呈现着你,它就像伟大的艺术,让人感受着生动和鼓舞!While you wear them, they present you. They seem to be great art to make you feel brio and inspiration.

用她热情活力,个性十足的着装,奥巴马夫人已经改写了职业女性的着装规范。With her brio and idiosyncratic clothing choices, Mrs. Obama has rewritten the dress code for women who work.

无疑地,哥本哈根三重奏组合已经登上了当代青年室内乐演奏团体的顶峰。Trio con Brio Copenhagen belongs unquestionably to the upper echelons of young chamber ensembles performing today.

比起天秤,狮子对完全身体上的迷恋更有兴趣,但狮子的格调和生命力能征服天秤。Leo is more interested in the strictly physical side of love than Libra, but Leo's style and brio can win Libra over.

Zombieland球迷和我一样,希望弗莱舍和Eisenberg将带来同样的酷BRIO好友跳跃流派。Zombieland fans, like me, were hoping that Fleischer and Eisenberg would bring the same cool brio to the buddy-caper genre.

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哥本哈根三重奏组合在哥本哈根蒂沃利音乐厅,举办了三场音乐会演奏贝多芬钢琴三重奏的所有曲目,获得了极大的成功。Trio con Brio Copenhagen performed all the Beethoven piano trios in a cycle of three concerts at the Tivoli Concert Hall in Copenhagen with great success.

本人已阅读,明白及接受于标奥合约内条款及规则所订之现行服务收费。I have read, understood and accepted the current service rates and the terms and conditions in the business arrangement specified by Brio Electronic Commerce Limited.

同时也借此表达我们的信心,在下一个十年中,努力将柏瑞安建设成为一个有国际影响力的EMS企业。I would also like to take this opportunity to reiterate our mission that is in the next decade to bring Brio Technology to a very influential enterprise in the world EMS industry.

通过几年来与柏瑞安的合作,我们发现他们工作耐心、服务专业,在他们的帮助下,我们实现了从小规模生产向批量生产的转化。After years of doing business with Brio we have found their patience, expertise and customer service of great assistance in allowing us to make the move from small scale to large volume production.