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这位推销员猛拍门环。The salesman pounded the door knocker.

而狼则径直朝她祖母的房子走去,敲了敲门。One that raps or strikes, especially a door knocker.

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他用一块布擦亮铜门环。He brightens the brass knocker with a piece of cloth.

邻家的门环一声响,那更使她心头突地一跳。The ringing of her neighbor knocker set her heart pounding.

让我来吧,亲爱的,说着,他用力地敲着门环。Let me do it, dear, he said, rapping the knocker vigorously.

我不愿意伸手去抓那闪亮的黄铜门环,怕把它弄脏。I felt loath to sully the gleaming brass knocker by handling it.

我跑上台阶,想要开门,不停地扣着门环。I ran up the steps and I tried the door and knocked with the knocker.

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当他把钥匙插入门锁时,并没有看到门环。When he put his key in the lock of the door, he did not see a knocker.

当你把手放到门环上时,你能有这般了解一整座屋子吗?what you long to know about a house when you put your hand on the knocker.

要是敲门者说自己是宾馆服务员,你也要先打到前台去确认一下属实才开。If the knocker identifies himself as a hotel employee, call the front desk to confirm.

挨家挨户推销宝石很快会成为郊区生活中的一种常见现象。Selling gemstones on the knocker will soon become a familiar feature of suburban life.

像往常那样,他衔着卷烟,拍打了一下门环。The rolled cigarette between his teeth completed the picture as he used the door knocker.

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门上的门环没有什么特别的,只是很大而已。There was nothing particular about the knocker on the door, except that it was very large.

因此,如果敲门者有6分,对手有17分,则这一手为敲门者计11分。Thus, if the knocker has 6 points, and the opponent 17, the knocker would score 11 for the hand.

当克莱顿主教沿着伦敦西区的一个广场走着的时候,他看见一个小家伙正试图抓住一所大房子的门环。Creighton was going along a West End square when he saw a little fellow trying to reach the knocker of a large house.

阐述了滑阀式水力振动器的结构、工作原理和现场试验效果。It was expounded about the structure, work principle and field test effect of water power jar knocker with slide valve.

我为我家里的工作室涂上了墨绿色,并且放了一些户外风格的装饰,比如锁、门把、还有一个邮箱。I painted the door to my home office dark green and put in outdoor-style hardware like locks, a knocker and a mail slot.

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赫敏在厚重的黑门上敲了三下,那门上嵌有铁制圆钉,还有一个鹰形门环。She then rapped three times on the thick black door, which was studded with iron nails and bore a knocker shaped like an eagle.

她的胸一上一下,都是气的,可是她还没有想好什么样回答,就又有人敲门了,阿伯特去开门了。Her chest rose with indignation, but before she could find a reply, the door knocker sounded again and Albert went to answer it.