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椰壳炭化料是由椰壳烧制而成,其形状为块状或粉状。Coconut Shell Charcoal is fired by the shell of coco, its form is lumpish or mealy.

其实盗版光碟真正是中看不中用的东西。Actually pilfer edition smooth dish is pleasant to the eye just about really lumpish thing.

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就这样,你也经过了从大地里的笨拙的蛆虫到空气里轻盈振翅的蝴蝶的回转。Thus, also, you pass from the lumpish grub in the earth to the airy and fluttering butterfly.

SEM表明铝合金铈转化膜由许多球形颗粒和块状膜构成。SEM experiment shows that the coatings consist of lots of spherical particles and amounts of lumpish matrix.

研究了高炉块状带内焦炭的碳素损失情况以及焦炭反应性的变化情况。The carbon loss of coke and the change of coke reactivity index in lumpish section of blast furnace were studied.

从视觉效果来说,你能接受你一天到晚只能穿大得不得了的衣服?或是随便动一下就肥肉抖抖的?In the optical aspect, will you accept yourself wear larger and larger clothing? or do sports with lumpish body feeling the fat flesh wobbling?

重点研究焦炭在高炉块状带内的抗压强度与温度和反应程度的关系。The relationship between temperature, carbon loss rate and compression strength of coke in the lumpish section of blast furnace was investigated.

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应用一个连续高炉块状带热模型得到失碳率和温度在块状带的关系。A continuous hot model of lumpish zone in a blast furnace was used to get the relationship between carbon loss rate of coke and temperature in lumpish zone.

本机广泛适用于制药、化工、食品等行业,将潮湿的粉末状物料制成颗粒,亦可粉碎块状的干物料。This machine can make granules from wet powder materials or break down the dry lumpish , which is widely used by the industries of pharmacy, chemical, and foodstuff etc.

特别是马头,与苏格兰小马那大笨的头相比显得很小,但与马脖子倒很相称。马的嘴皮薄薄的,眼睛亮晶晶的,鼻孔也胀得很大,样子十分精神。The head particularly, which, in the Scottish pony, is often lumpish and heavy, was small and well placed in the neck of this animal, with thin jaws, full sparkling eyes, and expanded nostrils.