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肯扬在里昂谈判。Kenyon is in Lyon negotiating.

他们是不同种类的球员。凯尼恩说。He's a different type of player, said Kenyon.

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我在欧洲杯之后会和肯扬谈谈。I will speak with Peter Kenyon after the tournament.

上周,肯扬所做的声明差点儿引得天下大乱。Consider the kerfuffle about last week's Peter Kenyon statements.

他星期六晚上来到河谷农场,“赫伯在他的书房,南希,凯尼恩和我在看电视。Herb was in his study, but Nancy, Kenyon and I sat and watched TV.

上个月,丹佛的肯扬•马丁加入了CBA亚军新疆广汇。Last month, Denver's Kenyon Martin joined CBA runner-up Xinjiang Guanghui.

何况还有坎比,马丁的复出,以及可用的内内。And, with Marcus Camby and the return of Kenyon Martin, Nene is expendable.

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但是今天肯杨向球迷保证了穆帅肯定会继续留在西伦敦。But Kenyon today reassured fans that Mourinho's future remains in west London.

而与之形成鲜明对比的,是始于阿布、肯扬和何塞的蓝色革命,蓝军走的是速成的路线。Whereas the Blue Revolution started by Roman, Kenyon and Jose is on a fast track.

肯扬和一些切尔西的行政人员到了首尔,令这次场面变得更盛大。Kenyon and a number of Chelsea executives are out in Seoul to make it a big occasion.

本周的Speedo贴士来自吉姆•斯汀。他是凯尼恩大学的首席教练。This week's Speedo Tip of the Week comes from Jim Steen, head coach at Kenyon College.

“你们不必去曲解那些东西。他们是不同种类的球员。”凯尼恩说。"You shouldn't read anything into that. He's a different type of player, " said Kenyon.

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现在在中国的熟悉的NBA面孔之中有JR史密斯、肯扬•马丁和威尔森•钱德勒。Among the familiar NBA faces now in China are JR Smith, Kenyon Martin and Wilson Chandler.

“首先我们都很高兴这个抽签结果,这是一个很好的对阵形势。”肯扬对天空体育说。"First of all we are glad to be here, and it's a good draw, " Kenyon told Sky Sports News.

俄亥俄州凯尼恩学院证实,美国受害者是他们的学生安德鲁·波奇特。Kenyon College in Ohio identified the American victim as one of its students, Andrew Pochter.

然而最能体现切尔西野望的是肯扬在国内所下的工夫。But it is what Kenyon has done in this country that is most illustrative of Chelsea's aspirations.

掘金也希望他们的防守尖刀马丁能及时的在四月中旬回归以在季后赛发挥作用。The Nuggets also hope to have defensive stalwart Kenyon Martin back in mid-April in time for the playoffs.

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穆里尼奥曾公开质疑当前的选别方式,肯扬并不否认新方案的可能出现。José Mourinho has publicly questioned the seeding method and Kenyon does not rule out a change in the future.

SSTL企划经理尚恩肯扬解释为何他们要做这件事以及他们期望达到什麽目标。SSTL project manager Shaun Kenyon explained why they're undertaking this task and what they're hoping to achieve.

在比赛之后我们将班师回朝,而肯扬也飞回英国,暂停他与里昂的谈判。After the game the squad flies home, but Kenyon who has flown back, out stays out to negotiate merchandising deals.