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因此我们也许不该对格鲁吉亚的被占领感到惊讶。So perhaps we should not be surprised by the Georgian grab.

这位受伤的格鲁吉亚妇女随后被她的邻居救起。This wounded Georgian woman was later helped by her neighbors.

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几个人查看了那栋半詹姆士一世时期风格、半乔治王朝风格的大楼。Several people looked over the part-Jacobean, part- Georgian building.

美国曾经派军事人员帮格鲁吉亚训练军队。US have sent military personals to train Georgian military capability.

大理石的门厅中,格鲁吉亚国旗周围欧盟旗帜林立。European Union flags stand alongside Georgian ones in the marbled hallways.

我们的家可追溯至1840年,那正是维多利亚和乔治王时代的来临之际。Our home dates from 1840, on the cusp of the Victorian and Georgian period.

这个公寓改建自乔治王时期风格的建筑,所以楼上有这样的高窗户。The flat is a Georgian conversion so we have gorgeous high windows upstairs.

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格鲁吉亚时装设计师展示2011年春夏女装。Georgian fashion designers show their Spring-Summer, 2011 women's collections.

美国开展的训练工作以及格鲁吉亚在潘基斯亚谷展开的行动显然已取得成功。The U.S. training effort and Georgian operations in Pankisi clearly succeeded.

还有,周二俄罗斯在Poti镇仍羁押着21名格鲁吉亚战俘。Also on Tuesday Russian troops detained 21 Georgian soldiers in another town, Poti.

我原本不期望它在众多的拥有限制风格的乔治五世的一排房屋里面。I didn't expect it here, among brick Georgian terraces with their restrained style.

例如,D·H劳伦斯就有些精妙得体的抒情诗载在乔治王朝诗集里。D. H. Lawrence, for instance, had lyrics of subtle competence in the Georgian books.

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他否认,俄罗斯正在阻止乔治亚人离开南奥瑟亚。He denied that Russia is stopping Georgian troops from pulling out of South Ossetia.

这次最新调查是在格鲁吉亚冲突爆发后的8月15-18日进行的。The new poll was in the field from Aug. 15-18, after the Georgian conflict broke out.

后来在英国的乔治亚州,玩具屋的建造有了一种新标准。Later, in Georgian England, a new standard was established for dollhouse construction.

上星期的头几天,我在格鲁吉亚首都第比利斯搞签证的事情。The week began with a couple of days sorting out visas in Tbilisi, the Georgian capital.

周二有一队俄罗斯坦克和装甲车离开格鲁吉亚城市哥里。A column of Russian tanks and armored vehicles left the Georgian city of Gori on Tuesday.

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格鲁吉亚和南奥塞梯官员相互指责对方挑起敌对行动。Georgian and South Ossetian officials have accused each other of initiating the hostilities.

一名格鲁吉亚官员将巴基耶夫的卸任以及俄罗斯的插手称为“怵目惊心的事态”。One Georgian official termed Bakiyev's removal -- and Russia's hand in it -- an "eye-opener.

米利班德说,毫无疑问,俄罗斯能轻尔易举地击败小国格鲁吉亚。Miliband said there was never a doubt that Russia could easily defeat the small Georgian army.