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那绝对是那个时代最酷的装备了。That was definitely the capper on that era.

坚果碎烤三文鱼柳,藏红花烩饭,刺山柑汁。Nuts Crashed Roasted Salmon Fillet, Saffron Risotto, Capper Sauce.

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该装置应用于灌装机上,对保护灌装阀和保证灌装位置的准确性起到积极的作用。It reacts action to protect affuse valve, to ensure affuse and capper positional veracity.

该封口机配备电梯封盖机和304不锈钢包层为标准。The capper comes equipped with an elevator cap feeder and with 304 stainless steel cladding as standard.

和好朋友们在一起滑了一个星期的雪,最好的结尾就是在旅店门前拍一张团体照。After a week of skiing with my buddies, I thought the perfect capper would be a group photo in the lodge.

其可调的离合器可有效地避免瓶盖的损坏,并减少内塞的磨损。Both models of the manual capper have adjustableclutches that eliminate cap damage and reduce insert wear.

该生产线适用于含气和不含气饮料的包装生产,灌装机具备封皇冠盖和旋塑料防盗盖两种功能。The capper can cap crown caps and plastic burglarproof caps. The filling valve adopts isobaric filling principle.

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本设备由冲洗、滴干、灌装和压盖一体主机组成,适用于3-5加仑桶装用水的灌装生产。The one unit main machine includes the washer, dryer, filler and capper for the production of 3-5 gallon barreled drinking water.

叙述了塑料胶木模的工作条件及模具材料分析,对电器压盖上模的热处理工艺作了探讨。The work condition and material properties of plastic bakelite die are introduced. Heat treatment technology of top die of capper is also discussed.

该装置应用于灌装机上,对保护灌装阀和保证灌装位置的准确性起到积极的作用。This equipment is applied to an affuse and capper machine. It reacts action to protect affuse valve, to ensure affuse and capper positional veracity.

YG-6A型自动压盖机是训适应用户制作瓶装汽水、汽酒、果汁饮料、保健饮料以及酱、醋酿酒行业等生产过程中,现自动压盖封口的设备。The capper is the automatic capping and sealing equipment for bottle aerated water , sparking wine , juice , heath drink , soy sauce , vinegar and wine.