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这种砂岩的成份以石英为主,长石次之。This sandstone consists of quartz primarily and feldspar secondly.

翡翠由辉石族、角闪石族、长石族矿物组成。Jadeite jade consists of minerals of pyroxene, amphibole and feldspar groups.

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陶片中含有石英、长石、方解石、绢云母等各种矿物颗粒,还含有一定量的炭。The sherd scontain quartz feldspar calcspar and sericite as well as some charcoal.

因此,颜色不能作为钾长石鉴定时的特征性标志。Therefore, the color can not be used as a characteristic marker of potash feldspar.

钾长石通常是肉红色的,但也有呈紫红色、白色、灰白色,甚至灰黑色。Potassium feldspar is usually red meat, but there was purple, white, gray, or black.

地下蕴藏丰富的瓷泥、铁矿、钠长石资源更是让其名声在外。Underground rich porcelain clay, iron, sodium feldspar resources is allowed to fame.

这种条纹的粉色源自于一种名为钾长石的结晶矿物质。The bands get their pink color from a crystallized mineral called potassium feldspar.

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储层碎屑成分以岩屑和石英为主,几乎不含长石。Detrital component of reservoirs are main lithic fragment and quartz without feldspar.

介绍一种低成本分解钾长石的新方法。This thesis has introduced a new method to decompose potassium feldspar with low-cost.

在花冈岩中发现的长石使布兰德山在日落时分呈现红色外貌。The feldspar found in granite gives the Brandberg Massif areddish appearance during sunset.

对熔融氯化钠浸取钾长石的提钾过程进行了研究。The main factors that affect the leaching rate of potassium in potash feldspar were studied.

其原岩主要为杂砂岩和岩屑砂岩,少数为长石砂岩等。Their primary rocks were mainly graywacke, debris sandstone and few feldspar sandstone, ext.

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直接找矿标志为含五角十二面体黄铁矿铁方解石钾长石脉。The ore-hunting indicator is of calcite-potassium feldspar veins containing pyritohedron pyrite.

次生孔隙发育程度主要受胶结、石英和长石次生加大、溶解作用影响。The second pore growth degree is mainly influenced by cementation, quartz, feldspar and diffluence.

安徽陶瓷工业的发展,提供了开发钾长石资源的市场。The development of ceramics industry of Anhui promotes the utilization of potassium feldspar resources.

而长石在微生物作用下的分解机制主要包括质子交换和配体络合作用。Usually, microorganisms can enhance decomposing feldspar by the proton- and ligand-promoted mechanisms.

长石可以分为钾长石和斜长石两大类,钾长石中包括正长石和微斜长石。Feldspar can be divided into two large group, the potassium feldspar includes orthoclase and microcline.

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花岗质岩石主要由石英、斜长石和碱性长石组成,并因此具有较低的密度。Granitic rocks mainly consist of quartz, plagioclase and alkaline feldspar and hence have lower densities.

汇水区南北的长石含量存在明显差异。There are obvious differences in feldspar content between the north and south sides of the catchment area.

确定了金尾矿代替长石作陶瓷墙地砖原料的加工工艺及有关的性能要求。The preparing process and property of gold ore tailing used in ceramic tile instead of feldspar were studied.