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伊尔-86是苏联的首架大型中短程喷气客机。Il-86 is the first soviet airbus.

空中客车公司已经收到528份A350订单。Airbus has won 528 firm orders for the aircraft.

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我很高兴中国敢正面挑战波音和空客。I glad China dared to head on Boeing and Airbus.

当然也有例外,比如图卢兹的空客集团。There are exceptions—think of Airbus in Toulouse.

空中客车交付18架其A380超巨型飞机去年。Airbus delivered 18 of its A380 superjumbo last year.

去年,空客净订单量为777份,波音为662份。Last year, Airbus had 777 net orders and Boeing had 662.

波音和空客都在中国有制造业务。Boeing and Airbus have manufacturing operations in China.

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空中客车也建议它的客户更换传感器。Airbus had also advised its customers to replace the sensors.

飞机是在尝试进行第二次着陆时不幸失事的。The Airbus 310 was attempting a second landing when it crashed.

据报导,这架法航的空客330-200型遭遇了恶劣的天气。The Air France Airbus 330, 200-series reportedly hit bad weather.

欧洲飞机制造商空客在航展的第一天就有喜讯传来。Also on the first day, European planemaker Airbus got some good news.

飞机不仅是崭新的,而且都是“空中客气”A-320型客机。Those planes, they are not just new, but all one model Airbus A-320s.

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空中客车公司说,他已经是波音747-400型客机的唯一私人拥有者。He already is the only private owner of a Boeing 747-400, Airbus said.

这次空难是最近几周空中客车飞机的第二次事故。The crash was the second involving an Airbus aircraft in recent weeks.

失事飞机为空客330-200型客机,配有美国通用电气提供的发动机。The plane was an Airbus 330-200 powered with General Electric engines.

因此空中客车推迟了新款巨型A380客机的生产。Airbus has had delays with its huge, new A-Three-Eighty passenger plane.

机场将包括一条长得足够双层A380型空中客车起降的跑道。It will include a runway long enough to handle double-deck Airbus A380s.

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也门航空公司的飞机是一个月之内第二架坠入大海的空客飞机。The Yemenia plane is the second Airbus to crash into the sea in a month.

这名幸运儿中得的奖金金额高达126231764欧元,足够买两架空客A-320客机。The jackpot of 126,231,764 euros is enough to buy two Airbus A-320 jets.

英国广播公司报道称,飞机属于泛非航空公司,机型为空客A330。The plane, belonging to Afriqiyah Airways, was an Airbus A330, BBC said.