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他们知道他们不能再饲养动物。They know that they cannot restock.

每天我们检查少了什么酒,然后补上。Each day we check what’s missing and restock it.

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他表示重建库存大约需要两三天时间。He said it would take two or three days to restock.

你已经知道了你现在的储物状况,这真是一个重新采买的好时候。You already know what you have so it’s a great time to restock.

多半他的夫人,号称津巴布韦第一购物狂的女人,已经帮他重新进货了。Perhaps his wife, nicknamedthe First Shopper of Zimbabwe, helped him restock.

你能修复撕裂的船帆,重新装船和准备新的导航图。You can repair the torn sails and restock the ship and supply fresh navigation charts.

确保所有文具用品妥善保管并按要求申领。Ensure all stationery levels and equipment is well maintained, restock station as required.

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贝恩称,2011年秋冬季的订单都在增加,因为零售商要进货补充已经枯竭的库存。Bain said orders for fall and winter 2011 are up, as retailers restock depleted inventories.

在德国,消费者利用低油价期重新储备取暖油,这提振了需求。In Germany, consumers used the period of low prices to restock heating oil, providing a boost to demand.

只留下足够的囚徒以取代劳工营失去的奴工,和补充他们的收藏。Taking only enough prisoners to replace the labourers lost from their work camps and restock their stores.

其中的一些物品可在当地购买,但是也需要国际捐助以便迅速储备日益减少的供应品。Some of these can be purchased locally, but international donations are also needed in order to restock rapidly dwindling supplies.

好的。我会和采购部经理商讨此事。这应该没有问题,不过要把空下来的货架装上货还得花一两天。I willl talk to the department manager about it. Should not be a problem, but it will probably take them a day or two to restock the empty space.

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现金的需求同样会尽量被满足,但当银行关闭其支行,自动提款机补充周期拖长,就可能有短期的中断。Demands for cash should similarly be met, although there may be "short-term" disruption if bank branches are closed and ATMs take longer to restock.

这个小贩说,批发商将所有商品的价格都提高,因为他们说,自己不知道什么时候才可以重新补充库存。This vendor says wholesalers are charging more for everything because they say they do not know when they will be able to restock their inventories.

中国消费者对高端服装和配件的购买增加和欧美零售商的补充库存导致了奢侈品市场需求的复苏。Demand for luxury goods is recovering as Chinese shoppers buy more high-end clothing and accessories and U.S. and European retailers restock inventories.

工厂正重新加速生产,因零售商在补充空空的货架,电子制造商亦在库存逐渐减少后重新开始购买零部件.Factories are cranking up production again as retailers restock bare shelves and electronics makers resume buying components after drawing down inventories.

如果没有足够资源补充2个市场,那么优先补充北韩市场,再补充南韩市场。If there are insufficient resources to restock both markets as shown in the table, restock the north market first and then the south market as much as possible.

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TAL通过一套广泛的电算化系统,为Penny在美国的1,100家零售店的衬衫柜台周而复始的储备存货,只要保证需求。Through an extensive computerized system, TAL can stock and restock shirt shelves in all 1,100 of Penney’s retail stores in the United States, as demand warrants.

有大量电脑管理系统的帮助,在得到授权的情况下,他们能控制Penney在全美全部1100家零售店的衬衫存货和出货,以此服务作为认取股份。Through an extensive computerized system, TAL can stock and restock shirt shelves in all 1, 100 of Penney’s retail stores in the United States, as demand warrants.

一些分析人士怀疑,一旦企业把耗尽的库存恢复起来、财政和货币刺激的效力消退,贸易复苏是否可以持续。Some analysts are skeptical that the recovery in trade will be sustainable once businesses restock depleted inventories and the oomph of fiscal and monetary stimulus fades.